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ABC's of UEM - Part 2

In my introduction to this blog series, I talked about why Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) is more relevant than ever before. In this second part of the ABC’s of UEM series I will talk about the next set of letters and how they tie into Ivanti. While reading this blog put your own experiences into perspective with how you and your company were forced to work during COVID-19.

Ivanti and BT Work Together to Secure and Service Mobile Assets Through Hyper-Automation

The world is constantly changing all around us, and the number of endpoints that organizations are using has increased significantly. Dan O’Boyle, Global Director from Ivanti, believes that there has been a sharp increase in more critical workplace devices needing to be connected and communicating while generating more data. To secure and service these changing mobile assets an evolution is needed.

No One Likes Passwords and They are the Leading Cause of Data Breaches

Did you hear about the latest data breach caused by a stolen password? Technically, it was a user account security token used by the malicious cyber threat actors to gain initial access into the company’s chat workspace. Once on the IT chat channel, the threat actors impersonated an employee and then used a simple social engineering tactic to trick an IT support member into providing them with a long-lived login access token onto the corporate network.

Service quality and the rising need for enterprise SRE

In its DevOps 2021 survey of global IT professionals, Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) found that 95% of organizations with highly successful DevOps initiatives were predominantly decentralized and purposefully becoming more so as fast as possible (see Figure 1). This decentralization of development and DevOps teams is making site reliability engineering (SRE) both critical and difficult to achieve.

3 Keys to Running a Proactive IT Service

There’s an interesting synergy between hybrid work and proactivity. If you have a large remote or hybrid workforce, difficulties will tend to take longer to troubleshoot – and will of course also cause even more disruption for the user. Let’s take a simple, everyday example of a failing laptop battery. In this scenario, every time a remote user wants to leave their desk, they can’t – the laptop cuts off as soon as they unplug it.

3 ways to improve your enterprise IT security

You’ve undoubtedly heard the saying, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” The same idea applies to your IT systems. They’re only as secure as their weakest vulnerability. No organization wants to fall victim to a cyberattack. These three ServiceNow webinars will help prepare you to boost your enterprise IT security and, ultimately, safeguard your business.

Going Beyond RMM for the Next Level of IT Service Management

The IT services industry has continued to grow in the backdrop of high demand for innovative solutions across all industries. Global spending will surpass $1.1 trillion in 2021, which reflects a 9% increase from 2020. Managed services account for much of this spending with managed service providers (MSP) at the heart of the impressive growth.

Service Management: Firefighting and Fire Prevention

In the face of major disruptive change, the organizations that succeed are those that do more than just react to new circumstances. They evolve. When it comes to addressing the unprecedented challenges that have emerged in 2020 and 2021, the most successful IT teams have risen and will continue to rise to the occasion by recognizing the need for a proactive approach to the waves of disruption.

Wall Street Journal Predicts Dire Cybersecurity Days Ahead, Endorses Zero Trust

Let’s be honest for a second. This is a corporate blog. Yes, we aim to provide our readers with actionable, educational information. And, yes, we strive for complete transparency. But, at the end of the day, we understand if you’re skeptical of some of what’s written here. We’re a business, not a news publication, and it’s impossible for us to be completely unbiased all the time.