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Personalized IT: What Every Tech Dept. Needs To Know

The top priority of a typical IT team has remained relatively unchanged for decades: provide support for employees and make their user experiences as smooth as possible. With that being said, the actual workflow of an IT team looks nothing like it did years ago — because the way employees work on a day-to-day basis has drastically changed.

IT Innovation Without Disruption

Why is that IT innovation is often synonymous with employee disruption? It seems like you cannot make any improvements without interrupting employees and taking time away from their workday. We think-no, we know-there's a better way to innovate and improve the delivery of new applications & IT services. These 10 success stories from our customers in the IT Innovation Without Disruption eBook show you that there's a better way forward.

How to Futureproof IT Environments Without Going Into Technical Debt

Federal IT pros are experts at using quick fixes to keep costs down and save time, often because there’s no other option. They essentially leap from crisis to crisis instead of future-proofing the agency’s IT environment. Paying down technical debt is neither easy nor glamorous, but without this paydown, you’re creating a cyclical panic. For example, when you’re in technical debt, you run with what you’ve got until it breaks; when it breaks, you panic.

Optimizing SAP EWM with UX on the edge

While technology plays a large part in the efficiency of warehouse operations, employees are the foundation. Prioritizing User Experience (UX) on employees’ mobile data entry devices, from handheld devices to fork truck-mounted barcode scanners, is crucial to maximizing productivity. SAP EWM provides the back-end functionality, but it is on these devices that everything comes together as they determine how, when, and where material handlers move products through the supply chain.

ServiceNow addresses vaccine management challenges

We all have words to describe 2020. Few of them would ring with nostalgia. COVID-19 has created pain, loss, and disruption on a scale not seen in generations. The economy has also been a casualty, as some companies have transformed and thrived while many others have stumbled and dissolved. But then, just as 2020 was bowing out, hope emerged. Three promising vaccines had produced better than expected results in clinical trials. Governments around the world rushed to approve them.

3 Keys to Customer Satisfaction through Visibility

Did you know that retaining a customer is five times cheaper than acquiring a new one? Customer satisfaction is extremely vital to business success. Your business strategy for the year 2021 probably includes generating more leads, but it should also include retaining your current customers. According to the World Bank, the 2020 recession has been one of the worst since the Great Depression, which was a decade-long economic slowdown.

7 Practical Problem Management Techniques to Improve Your Service Delivery

All IT support teams know that problem management is used to identify the root causes which help to permanently resolve recurring incidents and follows specific steps like: However, problem management still remains an underrated, underutilized process which is mostly used together with incident or change management process. Problem management, out of all the ITSM processes has one of the lowest adoption rates.

15 Ways to Streamline and Improve Your Customer Support

‍Customer support drives long-term relationships that can be the primary source of profit for your business. However, a customer support process that is slow or does not make itself as accessible as it needs to be can drive customers away. As such, we're going to look at 15 ways to streamline and improve the whole process. The farther that the customer has to go to get the support that they need, the more expensive it becomes for you, and the slower your response will become.