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DataDog vs Prometheus - Comprehensive Comparison Guide [Updated for 2024]

Both DataDog and Prometheus are application monitoring tools aimed to improve application performance. While Datadog is a cloud-based SaaS solution, meaning there's no need to install or maintain any infrastructure, Prometheus is an open-source tool that requires manual download and installation on your infrastructure. Let us compare DataDog and Prometheus to see which tool suits The biggest difference between Datadog and Prometheus is that while Prometheus is open-source, Datadog is proprietary.

OpenTelemetry Nestjs Tracing Implementation Guide [2024 Updated]

Nestjs is a Nodejs framework for building scalable server-side applications with typescript. It makes use of frameworks like Express and Fastify to enable rapid development. It has gained wide popularity in recent times, and many applications are making use of the Nestjs framework. Using OpenTelemetry client libraries, you can monitor your Nestjs application. Monitoring your Nestjs application is critical for performance management.

Spans - a key concept of distributed tracing

Spans are fundamental building blocks of distributed tracing. A single trace in distributed tracing consists of a series of tagged time intervals known as spans. Spans represent a logical unit of work in completing a user request or transaction. Distributed tracing is critical to application performance monitoring in microservice-based architecture. Before we deep dive into spans, let's have a brief overview of distributed tracing.

Kibana vs. Grafana - A Scenario-Based Decision Guide [2024]

Both Kibana and Grafana are data visualization tools providing users capabilities to explore, analyze and visualize data with dashboards. The difference between Kibana and Grafana lies in their genesis. Kibana was built on top of the Elasticsearch stack, famous for log analysis and management. In comparison, Grafana was created mainly for metrics monitoring supporting visualization for time-series databases.

Top 14 ELK alternatives [open source included] in 2024

ELK is the acronym Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, and combined together, it is one of the most popular log analytics tools. Elastic changed the license of Elasticsearch and Kibana from the fully open Apache 2 license to a proprietary dual license. The ELK stack is also hard to manage at scale. In this article, we will discuss 14 ELK alternatives that you can consider using.

A Lightweight Open Source ELK alternative

ELK is the acronym Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, and combined, it is one of the most popular log analytics tools. Elastic changed the license of Elasticsearch and Kibana from the fully open Apache 2 license to a proprietary dual license. The ELK stack is also hard to manage at scale. SigNoz can be used as a lightweight alternative to the ELK stack.

Monitoring your FastAPI application with OpenTelemetry

FastAPI is a modern Python web framework based on standard Python type hints that makes it easy to build APIs. It's a relatively new framework, having been released in 2018 but has now been adopted by big companies like Uber, Netflix, and Microsoft. Using OpenTelemetry, you can monitor your FastAPI applications for performance by collecting telemetry signals like traces. FastAPI is one of the fastest Python web frameworks currently available and is really efficient when it comes to writing code.

Latest Top 13 Distributed Tracing Tools [perfect for microservices]

Modern digital organizations have rapidly adopted microservices-based architecture for their applications. Distributed tracing tools help monitor microservices-based applications. Choosing the right distributed tracing tool is critical. How do you know which is the right one for you? In this post, we will cover the top 13 distributed tracing tools in 2024 that can solve your monitoring and observability needs.

A Practical Guide to Logging in Microservices [Includes Best Practices]

Microservices logging is the practice of tracking and recording the activities of specific services in a distributed microservices architecture. Logging is an important aspect of any software system, and it is more critical for a microservices architecture as there are many small, independent services interacting with each other.