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Elevate Your Cybersecurity Offerings with Co-managed Services

In today’s world of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats and data breaches, organizations face an ever-growing threat landscape, making robust cybersecurity a top priority. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can play a crucial role in helping to address this need by offering a range of security solutions.

A Nerd's Eye View on N-central's Enhancements in 2023

I can’t believe it’s been a year already since I last wrote a blog covering all the N-central releases in the previous 12 months. Part of what inspired me to write the blog last year was the volume of partners that I would speak to that were not running the latest version of N-central. So, I thought maybe if I highlighted some of the great new features added over the previous 12 months that it might inspire them to upgrade.

Start the Year off Strong-How to Translate New Products and Features into $$$$ for Your MSP

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season celebrating with family and friends! My first blog of the year is going to be centered on a new feature that N-able has recently launched focused on Apple Device Management. You might be wondering: Why is the Head Sales and Marketing Nerd writing a blog post about Apple Device Management? It’s because this newest feature—if adopted—can translate into increased sales and revenue opportunities for your MSP.

A Head Nerds Guide to Building Custom Monitoring

I have spoken with many prospects and partners over the years and one of the more frequent questions I am asked is: “How do you build Custom Monitoring”. This is not an easy question to answer as there are so many variables at play, including: what type of device are you trying to monitor, what metrics are you looking for, what thresholds should trigger a warning or failure, etc.

Why MSPs Need to Think Beyond PSA and Focus on ITSM

As larger MSPs have been able to push their services upstream to bigger companies, and with the rise of things like co-managed IT services opening this option up to smaller MSPs as well, many are finding that this calls for them to adopt more mature IT service management (ITSM) practices. So how does ITSM differ from the professional services automation (PSA) platforms commonly used by MSPs?

Looking to Hire a Marketing Agency for Your MSP? Here are 5 Steps to Make Sure You Get it Right

I spend a lot of time talking about marketing with MSPs. While I enjoy hearing their tales of what works for them, it’s also important to understand what doesn’t or hasn’t worked. The most frequent complaint I hear is from partners working with marketing or lead generation agencies that feel they’re paying out a lot and seeing very little reward. So I thought I’d put together my top five tips for helping ensure a successful marketing agency engagement.