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Tech leaders on women's equality in business

Women's Equality Day allows for an opportunity to reflect on how far women have come in the search for equality, but also how far we, as a society, still have to go. Below, a number of women in technology share their thoughts and insights about how businesses can proactively champion women in tech, while creating a fairer platform for all.

Tube Bending Explained - 4 Simple Things Everyone Should Know

When working on projects, big or small, there's a pesky kind of problem that can arise that few people know how to solve. Sometimes, you need a pipe bent to fit within the space you have available for it; sometimes, you need a pipe bent a fair few times into a wacky shape to make it work with your setup. You know you probably can't bend the pipe yourself (and even if you could, it might end up breaking rather than bending), so you're a little stuck. There's no need to stress; the following will explore a few simple things about tube bending that can help you get the tubes you need for your current project.

Data Breach Prevention Methods in Cloud Computing

Today, cloud computing has significantly contributed to various areas of human life. With increased personal, business, and government data, institutions and service providers have begun transferring most of their activities to the cloud for storage and processing. Various industries, including financial services, healthcare, and real estate, have taken advantage of cloud computing applications. However, the potential for data breaches has also accompanied the many benefits of cloud computing.

Ways to Secure Your Online Financial Accounts

In 2021, the Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Sentinel Network received 1.4 million identity theft reports. This data indicates that even with the latest innovations in cybersecurity, many individuals are still vulnerable to fraudsters. The unfortunate statistic above also suggests that even though security applications are helpful, you should still learn internet-savvy tactics to secure your online financial accounts.

Top Online Courses That Will Definitely Benefit Your Employees

Are you looking for ways to improve your employees' productivity? Employees are the backbone of any company. They are the ones who keep things running and make sure that everything is done efficiently. As a business owner, it is important to invest in your employees and help them grow professionally. One way to do this is by providing them access to online courses that will benefit their careers. This blog post will discuss some of the top online courses that will definitely benefit your employees. Let's get to the list.

Reasons Why Marketing Needs Its Own Operating System

Have you ever wondered why marketing doesn't have its own operating system (OS)? The first computer bundled with an operating system was in 1964 through IBM's mainframe computers. How about issues related to the lack of operating systems in marketing departments? Why does marketing not have an OS? What changes in marketing warrant an operating system? What features can developers include to create the ideal marketing OS? Operating systems are critical for supporting a computer's essential functions. Similarly, search engine optimisation (SEO) specialists like Digital Spotlight can help improve your company's rankings in Google Search results.

An Easy Guide To Protecting Your Passwords The Right Way

When it comes to online security, you need very strong and unique passwords for your bank accounts, social media accounts, apps, and streaming services. With so many accounts to manage, it may be difficult to secure them all with strong passwords. However, there are different measures you can take to protect your information. Here is an easy guide to protecting your passwords the right way.