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Orchestration as a Data Management Challenge-Part 3

In blog one of this series, we discussed how orchestration is about data. In blog two, we talked about how effective orchestration with advanced data management techniques can be used to develop a digital twin. In this blog, we will discuss what we can do with all that data. More specifically, we’ll take a look at using data-empowered RAG AI to deliver stateful orchestration.

Orchestration as a Data Management Challenge-Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog series, I proposed that closed-loop orchestration (CLO) is a data management problem. Data extends beyond your medical history, social media, and other PII in the digital world. Configurations, inventories, and monitoring systems are based on managing, interpreting, and actioning data. CLO is a workflow about manipulating the data around the target environments. Even the policies and constraints need to be expressed as data.

Overcoming Complexity: Part II

This is the second in a three-part series on Taming Complexity for Competitive Advantage. Part I of this series discusses the need to develop orchestration strategies to deal with the complexities of integrating cross-domain infrastructure. In part II, we introduce the temporal element of change, including the integration technology journeys brought on by mergers and acquisitions.