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Top Server Monitoring Tools for the New Year

DevOps teams have more on their plate than ever. As infrastructure needs grow, so does the time required to ensure that everything’s running smoothly. This makes automation crucial – especially in the server and network monitoring world. Server monitoring tools can save teams time by automating server management and providing real-time performance updates.

AWS Redshift Monitoring: The Complete Guide

Would you like to detect problems in your Amazon Redshift environments? Does your team need a high-level overview of what monitoring options they can choose from when they deploy Redshift nodes and clusters? First, we’ll start with one of the most important components of any monitoring strategy: performance and availability monitoring. Then, we’ll continue with monitoring Redshift configuration changes and how to meet compliance requirements with Redshift.

AWS Batch: A Detailed Guide to Kicking Off Your First Job

There are always the kind of tasks that need to run periodically, either to analyze and process information (like fraud detection), or to simply do things like send email reports. But for that, we need to have a tool to schedule computer resources and, of course, the script. But what if we only need to worry about coding the script? Introducing AWS Batch. It’s a free service that takes care of batch jobs you might need to run periodically or on-demand. And you only pay for the resources you use.

Kubernetes Monitoring Developer's Guide

Writing software is hard. Balancing the demands of shipping with assuring quality presents challenges. Also, you must have an eye on keeping code readable and maintainable. It’s not easy. Beyond mere development, maintaining a running application is still harder. Serving users requires responding to problems in a timely fashion. In order to respond to problems, you need to know they exist. In short: writing software is hard; running software is often harder. And that’s why we monitor.

How to Fix the HTTP 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress

Running into errors on your WordPress website is often daunting. Most errors offer some clue as to what caused them, making it easier to troubleshoot. Unfortunately, the 503 Error isn’t as simple and doesn’t offer the same information. The 503 Error in WordPress signifies your website cannot be reached as a result of the associated server being inaccessible. This occurs as a result of the server being too busy or under maintenance.

DevOps Best Practices: A Complete Guide

Having high profits and productivity without any disturbance—isn’t that every company’s dream? Whenever there’s talk about better productivity and revenue, DevOps never fails to come into the limelight. It seems like it’s the latest IT buzzword. Everybody is discussing the relatively new concept and how it has come to transform the IT sector. But how well do we really know DevOps? What is DevOps? Why do we need it?

Selenium Scripts Running Load on a Web Browser

Selenium is a well renowned automation testing framework used extensively for cross browser testing. The open source testing tool is a smart choice for companies offering software testing services for automation testing of different web applications across browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Selenium offers extensive competition, compared to different test frameworks like HP Unified Functional Testing and Quick Test Professional.

How to Go Serverless With AWS Lambda

Once upon a time, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, servers had to be built. A development team requested an environment for their code to run in, and a system administrator or infrastructure engineer plugged in a server and spent hours or days getting it ready to run code. Oh, and by the way, that was only one server of many required to run a web application—and this only happened after budgets were decided and forms were filled out.

What Are Java Agents and How to Profile With Them

Java agents are a special type of class which, by using the Java Instrumentation API, can intercept applications running on the JVM, modifying their bytecode. Java agents aren’t a new piece of technology. On the contrary, they’ve existed since Java 5. But even after all of this time, many developers still have misconceptions about this feature—and others don’t even know about it. In this post, we remedy this situation by giving you a quick guide on Java agents.

Here's How to Calculate Elapsed Time in Java

Many things in programming sound like they should be easy, but are quite hard. Calculating elapsed time in Java is one of those. How hard could that be? As it turns out, it can be tricky. For starters, we have the fact that time itself is a tricky concept. For a quick example, remember that many places around the world observe Daylight Savings Time. Failing to take DST into account when you should, can and often does result in incorrect calculations.