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What's New with Fluentd & Fluent Bit

At the recent KubeCon EU, we learned the significant news of the FluentBit v2.0 major release with numerous new features. What’s new and what’s to come for this key log aggregation tool? On the latest OpenObservability Talks, I hosted Eduardo Silva, one of the maintainers of Fluentd, a creator of Fluent Bit and co-founder of Calyptia.

Comparing Six Top Observability Software Platforms

When it comes to observability, your organization will have no shortage of options for tools and platforms. Between open source software and proprietary vendors, you should be able to find the right tools to fit your use case, budget and IT infrastructure. Observability should be cost-efficient, easy to implement and customers should be provided with the best support possible.

The Future of Observability: Navigating Challenges and Harnessing Opportunities

Observability solutions can easily and rapidly get complex — in terms of maintenance, time and budgetary constraints. But observability doesn’t have to be hard or expensive with the right solutions in place. The future of your observability can be a bright one.

How to Strengthen Kubernetes with Secure Observability

Kubernetes is the leading container orchestration platform and has developed into the backbone technology for many organizations’ modern applications and infrastructure. As an open source project, “K8s” is also one of the largest success stories to ever emanate from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). In short, Kubernetes has revolutionized the way organizations deploy, manage, and scale applications.

How to Tackle Spiraling Observability Costs

As today’s businesses increasingly rely on their digital services to drive revenue, the tolerance for software bugs, slow web experiences, crashed apps, and other digital service interruptions is next to zero. Developers and engineers bear the immense burden of quickly resolving production issues before they impact customer experience.

Announcing Easy Connect - The Fastest Path to Full Observability

Logz.io is excited to announce Easy Connect, which will enable our customers to go from zero to full observability in minutes. By automating service discovery and application instrumentation, Easy Connect provides nearly instant visibility into any component in your Kubernetes-based environment – from your infrastructure to your applications. Since applications have been monitored, collecting logs, metrics, and traces have often been siloed and complex.

Continuous Observability: Shedding Light on CI/CD Pipelines

DevOps is not just about operating software in production, but also releasing that software to production. Well-functioning continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines are critical for the business, and this calls for quality observability to ensure that Lead Time for Changes is kept short and that broken and flaky pipelines are quickly identified and remediated.

5 Tips for Faster Troubleshooting to Reduce MTTR

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations heavily rely on their applications and systems to deliver optimal performance. As such, driving down the key metric of Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) is clearly one of the biggest challenges facing observability practitioners today.

Unify Infrastructure and Application Observability with Logz.io's Service Overview

Logz.io is excited to announce Service Overview, a fast and easy way to unify telemetry data and insights across your infrastructure and applications into a single interface. Our Beta users have reported simplified observability, faster time-to-insights, and observability consolidation.