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The essential steps to building your own DevOps pipeline

Keeping up with customer demand and staying ahead of the competition requires fast releases and efficient code. This is where DevOps comes into play. Where DevOps is the practice, mindset, and culture of combining software development (i.e. Dev) and IT operations (i.e. Ops) to accelerate the development lifecycle and provide continuous delivery without compromising quality.

Powering Algorithmic Trading via Correlation Analysis

Finding relationships between disparate events and patterns can reveal a common thread, an underlying cause of occurrences that, on a surface level, may appear unrelated and unexplainable. The process of discovering the relationships among data metrics is known as correlation analysis. For data scientists and those tasked with monitoring data, correlation analysis is incredibly valuable when used for root cause analysis and reducing time to remediation.

NFV orchestration: Network functions auditability with the open-source LMA stack

The transition to virtualized infrastructure and software network functions requires a re-evaluation in the telecom production environments. Network function is not alone. It has always been an important piece in the puzzle but requires a set of non-functional bits to complete the big picture and which brings the lifecycle management of network functions to the discussion.

The Future of Qovery - Week #3

During the next eight weeks, our team will work to improve the overall experience of Qovery. We gathered all your feedback (thank you to our wonderful community 🙏), and we decided to make significant changes to make Qovery a better place to deploy and manage your apps. This series will reveal all the changes and features you will get in the next major release of Qovery. Let's go! Read the previous article: The Future of Qovery - Week #2.

How to handle monitoring as a solo founder

When you're a single person running a system with thousands of users or more, it can be pretty daunting to think about going on holiday, or even relaxing for a weekend. "What if it goes down, and I'm not there to fix it?!" you ask yourself. While you can never really guarantee that nothing will go wrong, you can take some steps to minimise your risk of things going wrong.

Using HAProxy as an API Gateway, Part 6 [Security]

In almost every case, APIs have changed how modern applications connect to their data. Mobile apps, single-page web apps, IoT devices, integration hooks between software—all of these things rely on APIs to fetch, update, delete, and create data. In fact, one set of APIs might serve as the backbone of a website, mobile app, voice assistant device, and more, meaning one data store owns a treasure trove of information about us, the human users.

SOS - Don't Let a Microsoft Outage Drag You Down

You are at your desk, when all of a sudden there seems to be a hum that is growing louder, your heart starts to pound and you quickly realize that you might be in the midst of another Microsoft outage. You know that right now, Microsoft is your organization‘s core workforce engine and the backbone to ensure productivity - any outage or decrease in service quality can cause widespread productivity declines.

Bitbucket Pipelines and OpenID Connect: No more secret management

Bitbucket Pipelines now allows you to talk to your favorite third-party applications without an access token or secret. You no longer need to store your secrets in Bitbucket Pipelines. You can generate an OpenID Connect token in Bitbucket Pipelines, and use that to talk to any third-party application that supports OpenID Connect.

Automate (and scale) your Android deployment with Bitbucket Pipelines

We’ve launched a new Android template in Bitbucket Pipelines. This template helps you automate building and testing an Android project in a Docker container, using Gradle as your build tool. Access the template code here or go to the Pipelines tab of your repo and select the Android template. This blog walks you through how this template is structured and has tips on how you can scale it.