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A closer look at the admin API and plugin for centralized tenant adminstration and control in Grafana Enterprise Logs

To follow up on our introduction of Grafana Enterprise Logs, the latest addition to the Grafana Enterprise Stack, let’s dig into one of the key features: the admin API and admin plugin. Grafana Loki, Grafana Labs’ log aggregation project, provides the underpinnings of Grafana Enterprise Logs (GEL).

Comparing Top Container Software Options for 2021

Each day, more and more companies consider opting for cloud-based solutions, and they almost always end up adopting them to some extent. While the increasing popularity of cloud services may be a significant factor in accelerating the adoption rate of cloud-based solutions, some individuals remain skeptical of migrating their applications to the cloud due to unfamiliar territory.

Top 20 Dockerfile best practices

Learn how to prevent security issues and optimize containerized applications by applying a quick set of Dockerfile best practices in your image builds. If you are familiar with containerized applications and microservices, you might have realized that your services might be micro; but detecting vulnerabilities, investigating security issues, and reporting and fixing them after the deployment is making your management overhead macro.

How to Leverage Your Kubernetes Cluster Resources to Run Blazingly Fast and Secure CI/CD Workflows in Just a Few Minutes

This blog will take you on a step-by-step journey to show you how you can leverage your Kubernetes cluster resources to run your CI/CD workflows using the Codefresh hybrid solution. What Is the Codefresh Hybrid Solution and How Does It Work? The Codefresh hybrid solution provides you with a way of running the platform’s workflows on your Kubernetes resources, keeping your private resources safe while enjoying the benefits of a SaaS solution.

Deploying applications to Kubernetes from your CI pipeline with Shipa

Kubernetes can bring a wide collection of advantages to a development organization. Properly using Kubernetes can significantly improve productivity, empower you to better utilize your cloud spend, and improve application stability and reliability. On the flip side, if you are not properly leverag Kubernetes, your would-be benefits become drawbacks. As a developer, this can become incredibly frustrating when your focus is on delivering quality code fast.

Continuous integration for a Bazel Android project

Bazel (pronounced like the tasty herb: “bay-zell”) is an universal build tool developed by Google. Some notable companies like Twitter and projects like the Android Open Source project have migrated to Bazel. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a Bazel Android project and set it up for continuous integration with CircleCI. We will wrap up by automatically running tests and producing a binary APK file. In addition to the written guide there is a working sample project.

How to get mobile push notifications from Spike.sh

When an issue happens in your software in production, the channel to send the alert on depends on multiple factors. If it's a critical issue requiring immediate attention, you should alert the team member via phone call. But not all issues require a phone call, and in fact it may become annoying if your phone keeps ringing for minor issues. This is where other channels like SMS, Slack and mobile push notifications come in.

4 Ways to Simplify IT Knowledge Management

The saying “knowledge is power” may be a cliché, but the truth of it holds strong, especially as it relates to IT systems and processes. With all the many moving parts in IT and the overall business, employees can often feel either bombarded with information overload or uncertain without enough. For this reason, many organizations have turned to knowledge management to provide structured processes for collecting, storing, and disseminating knowledge throughout the organization.

Pinpointing a Memory Leak For an Application Running on DigitalOcean

It can be difficult to track down memory leaks, especially when deploying apps on cloud-based application services. Often teams are left with restarting their apps as the only—and less than ideal—recourse to get them back up and running. So what do you do when your cloud-based app springs a memory leak, and how do you pinpoint the cause? In this article, we’ll create a Java app designed to purposely leak memory and deploy it to DigitalOcean.