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Powerful Caching with Redis for Node.js Applications

Regardless of the tech stack used, many developers have already used Redis or, at least, heard of it. Redis is specifically known for providing distributed caching mechanisms for cluster-based applications. While this is true, it’s not its only purpose. Redis is a powerful and versatile in-memory database. Powerful because it is incredibly super fast. Versatile because it can handle caching, database-like features, session management, real-time analytics, event streaming, etc.

The basics of IoT, and why Prometheus works so well with it

Before we start, please take a moment to appreciate what day it is. IoT, or Internet of Things, has been a buzzword for longer than usual. Buzzwords usually have two common properties, and then their paths fork. I like thinking about buzzwords and about the useful aspects of what they mean. The most recent public example focuses on another buzzword currently in its hype phase: observability.

Four Unique LogicMonitor Dashboards To Inspire You

LogicMonitor dashboards are truly customizable — customizable enough to allow users to visualize virtually anything. Dashboards provide our users with a wide array of capabilities, from capacity planning and service availability notifications to root cause analysis and IT spend forecasting capabilities. We’ve seen LogicMonitor users get radically innovative when it comes to creating unique dashboards that add value to their lives both in and outside of work.

Detecting and mitigating Apache Unomi's CVE-2020-13942 - Remote Code Execution (RCE)

CVE-2020-13942 is a critical vulnerability that affects the Apache open source application Unomi, and allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code. In the versions prior to 1.5.1, Apache Unomi allowed remote attackers to send malicious requests with MVEL and OGNL expressions that could contain arbitrary code, resulting in Remote Code Execution (RCE) with the privileges of the Unomi application.

Announcing Support for DISA STIGs in Puppet Comply

I’ve got some exciting news! With the recent release of Puppet Comply 1.0.2, we’re providing the ability to assess Windows 2016 servers against DISA STIGs, required security standards for companies that do business with the U.S. Department of Defense. This new capability makes it drastically easier for organizations to assess and demonstrate compliance with DISA STIGs.

Hafnium Hacks Microsoft Exchange: Who's at Risk?

Microsoft recently announced a campaign by a sophisticated nation-state threat actor, operating from China, to exploit a collection of 0-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange and exfiltrate customer data. They’re calling the previously unknown hacking gang Hafnium. Microsoft has apparently been aware of Hafnium for a while — they do describe the group’s historical targets.

Top 7 Datadog Competitors to Know in 2021

Datadog was founded in 2010 by Olivier Pomel and Alexis Le-Quoc. They develop the Datadog to reduce the friction they experienced between system administration teams and developers. Together they raised over $648 million to bring its valuation to $7.8 billion by the end of 2019. Let’s dig deep into Datadog to know its competitors.

Introducing custom user statuses

Users now gain the flexibility to express their current status in any way they prefer. Set a custom status to add a descriptive status message and emoji that’s visible to everyone throughout the app. Custom user statuses are available in Mattermost Cloud today and in Mattermost Self-Managed v5.33 (available March 16), with mobile support coming soon.

5 Universal Steps to Cloud Database Migration

Chances are if you’re reading this, you are (or are thinking about) moving to cloud. While cloud migration isn’t a new term and many people are migrating, there are a few things you should know before taking the leap. Migrating your database to the cloud is worth the hours of planning, sorting through data and running tests because if it’s not done right, it may come with more bad than good.

How to manage Elasticsearch data across multiple indices with Filebeat, ILM, and data streams

Indices are an important part of Elasticsearch. Each index keeps your data sets separated and organized, giving you the flexibility to treat each set differently, as well as make it simple to manage data through its lifecycle. And Elastic makes it easy to take full advantage of indices by offering ingest methods and management tools to simplify the process.