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How to monitor website availability

“100% website availability.” Which webmaster would not want to see this availability report? Every website owner would like their website available for users to be 99.9% all of the time. Without a website that is accessible and running smoothly at any time of day, all web-related investments will go to waste. That is why website availability monitoring is so important.

Everything you need to know about the Malwarebytes hack

We’ve all become more conscious of the risk of online scammers and hackers, especially since we put more and more of our personal information into websites and apps on a daily basis. We’ve become more knowledgeable on the likes of data protection through EU regulations like GDPR and learned about how we “drop” cookies as we surf the web.

Integrate certificate life cycle management with enterprise MDM and boost your mobile ecosystem security

A huge portion of today’s corporate network is made up of mobile endpoints, such as laptops, tablet computers, and mobile phones. These are domain-joined and non-domain devices that require access to corporate assets to carry out everyday operations.

Monitor VoltDB with Datadog

VoltDB is an ACID-compliant, in-memory relational database designed to support real-time analytics. VoltDB’s in-memory storage, stored procedures, and shared-nothing architecture make it specifically optimized for quickly processing massive streams of data. This means VoltDB is tailored for use cases like online gaming, telecommunication, and financial applications, which require fast data processing.

Log4j 2 Configuration Example: Tutorial on How to Use It for Efficient Java Logging

When it comes to troubleshooting application performance, the more information you have the better. Logs combined with metrics and traces give you full visibility into your Java applications. Logging in your Java applications can be achieved in multiple ways – for example, you can just write data to a file, but there are far better ways on how to do that, as we explained in our Java logging tutorial.

Getting started with PromQL - Includes Cheatsheet!

Getting started with PromQL can be challenging when you first arrive in the fascinating world of Prometheus. Since Prometheus stores data in a time-series data model, queries in a Prometheus server are radically different from good old SQL. Understanding how data is managed in Prometheus is key to learning how to write good, performant PromQL queries. This article will introduce you to the PromQL basics and provide a cheat sheet you can download to dig deeper into Prometheus and PromQL.

Grafana Loki 2.2 released: Multi-line logs, crash resiliency, and performance improvements

I imagine everyone is long since tired and bored with their Loki 2.1 end of year/holiday gift, so I’m here today to bring some really exciting news. Loki 2.2 is released!!! New to Loki? Want a refresher? Owen Diehl and I did a webinar not long ago. Check out the on-demand video for a good overview of what Loki is capable of in 2021! Lots of new features are in this release, but worth celebrating in particular is that the single most requested feature for Loki has been added!

Performance Monitoring Support for React Native

March Mobile Madness continues with Performance support for React Native. Our friend, Jenn Meung shares how Performance supports his mobile appliction. In addition to working with Sentry, I also contribute to Tour, a travel app which helps people plan trips with a drag-and-drop interface. Because Tour is built with React Native, we’ve always had issues accurately gauging how people use our app and its performance.

The Top Query Languages You Should Know for Monitoring (and a couple more)

Sifting data can be fun for some people. Connecting the dots and finding correlations where they weren’t obvious before. It’s the crux of what drives people’s motivation in data science. It’s no different in any other field, especially in one involving systems observability, telemetry, or monitoring. And the best way to do that is to develop a fluency with query languages for different database structures and open source tools.