Azure Storage is like an all you can eat buffet, except the more you eat, the more you pay! This has provided organisations an almost limitless supply of storage, and as we all know, the more that’s available, the more we’ll use. Azure Storage has changed the way many organisations operate both in terms of availability and service.
I’m a fresh starter here at Grafana Labs, leading one of our teams working on the Grafana Enterprise Stack. As a longtime user of Grafana, I couldn’t wait to see what’s new in versions 1.1 and 1.2 of Grafana Enterprise Metrics (GEM), our scalable, self-hosted Prometheus service. I tried out the shiny features and wanted to share some of the cool things I found.
Today, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon ECS Exec, a powerful feature to allow developers to run commands inside their ECS containers. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service by Amazon Web Services. ECS allows you to organize and operate container resources on the AWS cloud, and allows you to mix Amazon EC2 and AWS Fargate workloads for high scalability.
What are shared services? How does a shared service business model work? In this article, we will be breaking down everything you need to know about shared services. Are you trying to build a request-centric operations model that places an emphasis on simplified customer experience? We will be exploring the key benefits of adopting a shared services model. There has never been a better time to start exploring the consolidation of business operations.
In March 2021, the Mattermost server repository officially surpassed 20,000 stars on GitHub, and we couldn’t be more excited! Huge thanks to our community for their incredible support of the Mattermost open source project and their belief in the power of secure workplace messaging solutions built for developers by developers.