Link Analysis is a data analysis approach used to discover relationships and connections between data elements and entities. This is a very visual and interactive technique that can be done in the Splunk platform – and is almost always driven by a person, an analyst or investigator, to understand the data and discover necessary insights specific to the business problem at hand.
AWS Lambda has become a core technology in the shift to cloud-native application development, eliminating infrastructure management and fixed costs. But there are trade-offs with serverless environments. Not having access to the production infrastructure can make debugging difficult and there are a lot of moving parts, adding distributed complexity. Monitoring serverless functions in production requires observability beyond CloudWatch logs and metrics.
Cloud migration is, more often than not, treated as a one-way street where organizations migrate applications and workloads from on-premises to a public cloud, or less often, from one public cloud to another. But a key finding in our recent State of Hybrid Cloud survey of 350 IT professionals with cloud decision influence/authority is that a whopping 72% of participating organizations stated that they’ve had to move applications back on-premises after migrating them to the public cloud.
“The best laid plans of mice and men, go oft awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain” It may sound cliché but think back on the 2020 you had laid out and the 2020 you experienced and you’ll know it’s true. No matter what company you work for or what your job description entails, I’m willing to bet you had to throw a lot of good plans out the window when the pandemic hit. And if you didn’t, call me, I’d like your advice on some lottery numbers.
Following the GA of Kubernetes 1.19 support in AWS, EKS-optimized Ubuntu images for 1.19 node groups have been released. The ami-id of this image for each region can be found on the official site for Ubuntu EKS images.
If there’s one universal constant in the world of business, it’s that things will go wrong. Probably at the most inconvenient of times and in the most inconvenient of ways. It’s Murphy’s law, or, if you’re from England the much more fun, “Sod’s law”. These moments can define your business more than any other. Unfortunately, far more than usual day-to-day ever will.
Did you know that hard drives have a recommended operating temperature range? Most people do not think about what happens when they turn on their computer or server and the hard drives begin to whirl around inside. Even if you have the newer solid-state drives (SDDs), you still need to know the recommended hard drives operating temperature. Hard drives store your files, data, operating system, and numerous apps.
Websites have evolved a lot since the first sites went online almost 30 years ago. We can now shop, interact, and engage with companies from our screens. Along with customers' online habits, the way browsers render HTML has also evolved. In the earlier days of the internet, server-side rendering was the standard way to get the HTML on the screen. Many sites still use it.