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Pandora FMS server performance monitoring

Servers are an essential part of the IT of many companies. A server down could cause significant damage: from service stopping and productivity decreasing to losing direct sales and image problems that cause loss of customers. But these problems are not limited to the times when a server stops working. It is also common for this one, or any of the devices or applications involved in its operation, to suffer deficiencies – sometimes difficult to notice – that cause low performance.

Why do Kubernetes pods stay in pending state?

Kubernetes refers to an open-source platform managing containerized service. This portable system simplifies automation and configuration. You can link an app in a Kubernetes cluster and connect it to IBM Cloud Kubernetes service through the VPN. In this article, we will focus on why your kubernetes pod stays in pending state.

Interlink Software's Hybrid IT Infrastructure Monitoring solution on Gartner Peer Insights

Interlink is delighted to announce that it has arrived on the Gartner Peer Insights platform. Interlink’s customers can now leave honest reviews of their experiences of how our Hybrid IT Infrastructure Monitoring solution is meeting the challenges of managing service availability in their enterprises.

A breath of fresh air - Turning data into improved indoor air quality with Splunk

Suffering from severe headaches during meetings, feeling fatigued and lethargic due to lengthy powerpoints and monologues (you know, the ones that go on and on)? If that sounds oh so familiar to you, we have good news: it’s not you. And (usually) neither are your colleagues nor their presentations to blame. More often than not, the culprit for a “meeting hangover” is “bad”, stale air.

Flexible control over instance storage

Ocean by Spot provides continuous optimization for the underlying infrastructure of containerized workloads. Launch specifications is a key feature that enables users to manage different types of workloads on the same Ocean cluster. With launch specs, cluster administrators can granularly set specific configurations per application, as needed.

Startup: get the Heroku experience on your AWS account

Heroku meets the needs of individual developers who want to deploy their applications seamlessly. The only requirement is to use a git repository and link your git repository to your Heroku account. However, for startups, Heroku has limitations. Those arguments make most of the startups moving away from Heroku to a more flexible place like AWS - which has 31% market share in Q2 2020.

Five worthy reads: The evolving employee experience

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we have discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we explore how the employee experience is evolving with the new normal. The employee experience (EX) isn’t about ping pong tables or bring-your-pet-to-work days anymore. The new normal of working remotely has brought in a paradigm shift in the way businesses and employees operate.

Best practices for monitoring AWS CloudTrail logs

Engineering teams that build, scale, and manage cloud-based applications on AWS know that at some point in time, their applications and infrastructure will be under attack. But as applications expand and new features are added, securing the full scope of an AWS environment becomes an increasingly complex task. To add visibility and auditability, AWS CloudTrail tracks the who, what, where, and when of activity that occurs in your AWS environment and records this activity in the form of audit logs.

How we went from kops to EKS in production

Amazon’s EKS service (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) allows you to create a Kubernetes control plane in your AWS account without having to configure Kubernetes master nodes, etcd, or the api servers. In this blog post we will cover the motivation for using EKS, the preparation required to create an EKS cluster, how to configure EKS in Terraform, and how to set up kube2iam with EKS.