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Settling the Score: The Digital Employee Experience Score That Helps IT Power Business

Thousands of IT professionals wake up every morning focused on improving their employees’ digital experience at work. Even while our customers and their forward-thinking tech executives work tirelessly to improve that experience, many expressed frustration with their inability to show progress and success.

August 2019 Update: Mobile Alert Dashboard and PSD2 Support

Our August update makes SIGNL4 fit for the new “Payment Services Directive 2”. In addition, we have added extended the mobile alert dashboard and added new metrics. The enhanced dashboard of the SIGNL4 mobile app now shows alert counters per ‘services & systems’ category. Here come the details….

Introducing a detailed History and Resend capabilities for Emergency Callouts

Emergency callouts are some of the most important notifications a user can receive. With the optional ‘Emergency Callout’ add-on, the capability to reliably alert and notify large numbers of employees can become part of your Enterprise Alert installation. These callouts can tell users about dangerous situations such as inclement weather, fires in the building, or even security issues like active shooter in the building. It is imperative that users receive these notifications.

Computing Memory Usage According to Task Manager

When you look at Task Manager, it’s hard to compare it to any counter you see in Performance Monitor. The reason is there are many ways to discuss memory usage and it’s cousin free memory. If you think about it, you really don’t want your computer to have free memory laying around. That would represent computer resources the computer could be using but isn’t.

Stackery Professional Serverless Tooling Now Available on the AWS Marketplace

Stackery is now available on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace! This is great news for development teams excited by the prospect of building and modernizing applications using AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Kinesis, API Gateway, Fargate, and the rest of the growing menu of serverless capabilities. AWS teams can start their serverless journeys with prescriptive and flexible tooling that extends AWS tools and services with less friction in the purchasing process.

Copy and paste widgets to share data across teams and dashboards

As your environment grows in scale and complexity, finding faster ways to build rich dashboards and share strategic insights with the right team members becomes more important. To help you easily share data with anyone, anywhere, we are happy to announce that you can now copy and paste widgets within Datadog (across dashboards, Notebooks, and accounts)—and even in emails and other communication channels like Slack.

The dark art of prioritization and more: Tech leaders weigh in on software quality

Every software professional in a leadership role is concerned about the caliber of software that gets into the hands of customers. Questions like, is the new app slow to load? Is it working as it should? Why has churn increased? Are natural consequences of building software, yet we don’t always get the answers we need.

The World Of Cloud-Native Monitoring

Logs have always been a crucial part of applications, providing insight into an application’s every operation and auditing all of its activities. Yet to date, logs have been used primarily for researching incident details or applicative failures. Only recently have R&D and operations teams started paying closer attention to logs in an effort to identify incidents as they occur and recognize trends that can prevent future pitfalls.

Benchmarking Ruby Code

One of the joys of using the Ruby language is the many different ways that you can solve the same problem, it’s a very expressive language with a rich set of libraries. But how do we know which is the best, most efficient, use of the language? When we are talking about algorithms which are critical to the performance of your application, understanding the most efficient approach to take is essential.

Monitoring AWS Lambda with Blue Matador

AWS Lambda is one of AWS’s most popular cloud services. It allows serverless applications to be built by dividing up an application into functions that can be triggered by changes in your system. Since they are critical to the health of your application, properly monitoring Lambda functions is a top priority for most teams. In this blog post, we will go over how Blue Matador monitors Lambda functions automatically and without configuration. We will cover the following topics: