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When to use Lambda layers

AWS introduced Lambda Layers at re:invent 2018 as a way to share code and data between functions within and across different accounts. It’s a useful tool and something many AWS customers have been asking for. However, since we already have numerous ways of sharing code, including package managers such as NPM, when should we use Layers instead? In this post, we will look at how Lambda Layers works, the problem it solves and the new challenges it introduces.

New Integration: Google Firebase Crashlytics

Keep Your Apps Stable Using PagerDuty’s Integration With Google Firebase Crashlytics. Are you a developer tasked with keeping a mobile application stable and performing as expected? If so, you probably know that the worst tends to happen when you aren’t around to deal with it—like that time a high-impact crash happened when you were traipsing through Europe.

Implement IT Service Alerting (ITSA) Tools for your Business

IT service alerting (ITSA) tools are quickly becoming must-haves. These tools notify IT teams about infrastructure problems, poor performance and other IT management issues. In doing so, ITSA tools empower businesses to avoid outages, reduce downtime and comply with service-level agreements (SLAs).

Use Case #9: Troubleshooting Network Performance Issues

One of the most frustrating service calls you’ll receive is from a client experiencing a network performance issue. The issue could be caused by any number of different things and typically would require you jumping into your car and driving to the client site. The hours drag on while you manually trace wires and test ports to troubleshoot the issue. The longer it takes you to figure it out, the longer you’re interrupting your client’s business.

Breaking Down the Barrier Between Employees and IT

In the traditional enterprise architecture, IT departments are far removed from employees and often even viewed as a secluded area of the business. Sure, IT would come help you relatively quickly if your computer wasn’t working or an application kept crashing, but for the most part, the IT employees kept to themselves, working hard to keep the network up and running and ready to put out the occasional fire when called upon.

Toughening Security for Linux Servers

As with any other operating system, security is a prime concern with Linux network hardware. In this article, we’ll be giving some recommendations on how to toughen the security posture of your Linux servers. Screenshots and example syntax relate to systems running Kali Linux, CentOS, RHEL, Ubuntu, and Debian-based Linux distributions.

Understanding RBAC in Sensu Go

Regulating access to resources is a fundamental measure for enterprises to ensure the security and reliability of a system. The last thing you need is a stolen or weak password to give up the keys to the proverbial kingdom. With role-based access control (RBAC), this risk is mitigated by providing only the necessary access so a user in your organization doesn't have more access than needed.

Tackle Serverless Observability Challenges with the New Stackery-Epsagon Integration

Stackery is a tool to deploy complete serverless applications via Amazon Web Services (AWS). Epsagon monitors and tracks your serverless components to increase observability. Here’s how they can not only work together but improve each other. Let’s start with a scenario: it’s late in the day on Thursday, traffic to your site is way up, and you have reports of problems.

GoT Predictions: How we Analyzed Twitter to Find Who will Win the Iron Throne

With the final season of Game of Thrones premiering just last night, the question on the mind of every super fan is who will finally rise to the iron throne? To find the answer, we used Twitter along with our machine data analytics platform to check the popularity of specific characters and how often they are mentioned alongside the term “iron throne”.