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Not All Buzzwords are Created Equal: Real Applications of Zero Trust Security for IoT

Zero Trust security. Some would say it’s the latest and greatest buzzword and this disposition is understandable given the amount of jargon introduced into the Information Technology market each year. With vernacular being used interchangeably like “AI,” “Machine Learning,” and “Deep Learning,” these words get stripped of their real significance.

10 Ways to Implement Effective IoT Log Management

The Internet of Things (IoT) has quickly become a huge part of how people live, communicate and do business. All kinds of everyday things make up this network – fridges, kettles, light switches – you name it. If it’s connected to WiFi, it’s part of the Internet of Things. IoT raises significant challenges that could stand in your way of fully realizing its potential benefits.

Ubuntu Core 20 secures Linux for IoT

2nd February 2021: Canonical’s Ubuntu Core 20, a minimal, containerised version of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for IoT devices and embedded systems, is now generally available. This major version bolsters device security with secure boot, full disk encryption, and secure device recovery. Ubuntu Core builds on the Ubuntu application ecosystem to create ultra-secure smart things. “Every connected device needs guaranteed platform security and an app store” said Mark Shuttleworth.

Applying Strong Cyber Hygiene Security to IoT Endpoints

The Internet of Things, better known as IoT. You’ve heard of it, right? But do you know what it is? Simply, it is the interconnection of things (or endpoints) on the Internet to send and receive data. Today, experts calculate that there are 31 billion things connected to the insecure Internet, and growing exponentially. Did you know there are different types of IoT applications?

Monitor Azure IoT Edge with Datadog

Azure IoT Edge is a Microsoft Azure service that allows you to run containerized workloads on IoT devices. With IoT Edge and Azure IoT Hub, Azure’s device-management platform, organizations across science, manufacturing, energy production, and other industries can provision their IoT devices and workloads at the edge of their cloud networks for immediate in-unit computing, a necessity when running AI algorithms or parsing large datasets directly on IoT devices.

Monitor your NVIDIA Jetson IoT devices with Datadog

NVIDIA Jetson is a family of embedded, low-power computing boards designed to support machine learning and AI applications at the edge. Organizations use Jetson boards for complex video and image processing and analysis, automating build processes in factories, and improving city infrastructures. For example, Jetson-based devices enable cities to analyze traffic patterns with their existing traffic cameras in order to find ways to improve their most congested intersections.

IoT monitoring with Grafana: How Eurac observes climate change in the Alps

In 2014, the Mazia (Matsch) research site in the Italian Alps was officially accepted as a Long Term Socio Ecological Research LT(S)ER site. The monitoring infrastructure is operated by Eurac Research and the University of Bolzano and consists of 24 automatic microclimatic stations in a mountain ecosystem across an elevation gradient ranging from 1,000 m to 2,700 m, logging several meteorological and biophysical variables every 15 minutes.

Cooking the perfect holiday ham with IoT, Prometheus, and you

With the holidays upon us around the world, some folks here at Sysdig decided to take a technological approach to holiday cooking. How, you ask? By adding a little PromQL to the mix. A home kitchen during the holidays can be a very frenetic place. There are often many, many dishes being prepared at the same time and cooked in sequence. Some are short and easy, others can take several hours. It’s inevitable that a dish will get missed, or a step forgotten.

With the new AWS IoT SiteWise plugin, you can visualize and monitor your equipment data in Grafana dashboards

In collaboration with the AWS team, we have just launched another AWS integration, the AWS IoT SiteWise plugin for Grafana. AWS IoT SiteWise is a managed service that helps users collect, store, organize, and monitor data from industrial equipment, across facilities, at scale.

What You Need to Know About IoT Logging

The Internet of Things (or, IoT) is an umbrella term for multiple connected devices sharing real-time data, and IoT logging is an important part of this. Troubleshooting bug fixes, connection problems, and general malfunctions rely heavily on logs, making them an invaluable asset not only in designing systems but also in system maintenance. To maximize system potential, this plethora of generated data needs to be managed efficiently.