Every manager in the real estate industry wants to minimize the organization’s expenses and ensure every asset and equipment is available where it is required so that no work operation hindrance occurs. In order to maintain a real state structure, it is important to create a complete list of assets attached to each real estate. However, when all these activities are done manually then it leads to several issues. This is where automated Real Estate Asset Management comes into play!
Innovation in DevSecOps must keep pace with the speed of the dynamic, volatile modern cybersecurity environment. Yesterday’s solution worked beautifully…yesterday. What has it done for me today? Continual iteration and speed are paramount, but they’re not without risks. As a SaaS provider, how do you know that the latest evolution of your product works at scale? How do you know that it works at all?
Back in May of this year, Verizon published its 15th annual Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) for 2022 which states that 82% of breaches involved the human element, whether it is the user of stolen credentials, phishing, misuse, or an error, people are the biggest contributors to security incidents and breaches. The past several months has also resulted in numerous phishing attacks via corporate email and SMS text messages.
Seventy-six percent of supply chain leaders are saying they are facing greater and more frequent disruptions than three years ago. In this Infographic, compiled by Consumer Goods Technology, supply chain leaders can learn what others are doing and create plans to mitigate their risks.
An organization is equipped with a lot of assets and inventories, and they are essential for running day-to-day operations. If an essential asset is not found or it suddenly stops working, then it impacts other business operations as well. These types of scenarios are common when asset maintenance work is done manually. What’s the solution? It’s fixed asset management software. This software simplifies daily work and gives stability to work.
Android 13, the latest release from Google, is here. For IT administrators, this means making sense of new enterprise features and enhancements: what changed, why should you care – and most importantly, what should you do about it?