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Freedom without Order is a Sure Path to Chaos

Maximizing spectrum efficiency is a challenge that operators have wrestled with for decades. And the challenge of optimizing spectrum planning and management is only magnified as networks become faster and more complex. Operators with a well thought-out plan can avoid significant waste and inefficiency in the network. Wavelength division multiplexing was originally constrained to a fixed grid, first at channel widths of 100GHz, and then, as lasers improved, at 50GHz.

3 Sales tips to end the year strong

Happy New Year everyone! Don’t worry, I’m well aware it’s only August and we still have another four months or so before the “official” new year arrives. But with the winding down of summer and the commencement of the school year, I tend to view September as a type of New Year as well. September has always been my favorite month of the year.

Streamlining network operations with network management solutions

Networks today are moving towards increased agility and dynamic capabilities to support advanced networking requirements and business-critical processes. This causes the IT infrastructure to span across wireless, virtual, and hybrid environments as well. But with networks evolving quickly, IT admins have a hard time managing them without the right solutions in place.

What Is NaaS And How Can It Benefit Your business?

In this blog, we look at why a Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) model has become more popular among enterprises, and how it helps improve network service provisioning and cloud connectivity. Following the mass adoption of subscription services by consumers - themselves enabled through the technological leap delivered by the cloud - the ‘as-a-service’ model of consumption has grown in popularity among enterprises in the last decade.

August/2021 - HAProxy 2.0+ HTTP/2 Vulnerabilities Fixed

If you are using HAProxy 2.0 or newer, it is important that you update to the latest version. A vulnerability was found that makes it possible to abuse the HTTP/2 parser, allowing an attacker to prepend hostnames to a request, append top-level domains to an existing domain, and inject invalid characters through the :method pseudo-header.

Microsoft Operator Connect

In March 2021, Microsoft announced Operator Connect, a new way for organizations to connect Microsoft Teams to a telecom provider. From an enterprise buyer’s perspective, Operator Connect delivers a new “apps store” type of experience to enable organizations to choose a telecom provider and connect Teams users to the PSTN from the Teams admin center. Equally important, Operator Connect enables a new set of menu-based user configuration tools within the Teams admin center.

With DX NetOps, Oil Firm Scales Remote Network Access for 60,000 Users

Like many in 2020, executives at this large oil and gas services company made the decision to have most employees work from home and to restrict all nonessential business travel in order to keep their employees safe. The company rose to this challenge at the very outset of the pandemic. A virtual private network (VPN) is the most common and secure way to provide access to company resources and data when employees are traveling or working remotely.

How to Run HAProxy with Docker

Can you run HAProxy as a Docker container? Yes! Did you even need to ask? Docker is ubiquitous these days and you’ll find that many applications have been Docker-ized; the HAProxy load balancer is no exception. Pardon the cliché, but HAProxy was born for this. As a standalone service that runs on Linux, porting it to Docker certainly seemed natural. Why would you want to run your load balancer inside of a Docker container? Are their performance penalties when doing so?