Victor Sonck is a Developer Advocate for ClearML, an open source platform for Machine Learning Operations (MLOps). MLOps platforms facilitate the deployment and management of machine learning models in production. As most machine learning engineers can attest, ML model serving in production is hard. But one way to make it easier is to connect your model serving engine with the rest of your MLOps stack, and then use Grafana to monitor model predictions and speed.
MLOps stands for Machine Learning Operations. MLOps refers to the set of practices and tools that facilitate the end-to-end lifecycle management of machine learning models, from development and training to deployment and monitoring. The primary objective of MLOps tools is to address the unique challenges associated with deploying and managing machine learning models in real-world scenarios.
We are always trying to lower the barrier to entry when it comes to monitoring and observability and one place we have consistently witnessed some pain from users is around adopting and approaching configuration management tools and practices as your infrastructure grows and becomes more complex. To that end, we have begun recently publishing our own little example ansible project used to maintain and manage the servers used in our public Machine Learning Demo room.