2018 was a banner year for the digital workplace as organizations began to see the positive bottom line impact of investing in the digital experience of their employees. Building on this momentum, 2019 is set to be another monumental year. So, let’s ring in The New Year Nexthink-style! We asked some of the greatest minds in the industry one simple question: what will 2019 bring for the digital workplace and employee experience?
What do you expect from a monitoring tool? What should you expect? The Blue Matador team has spent 2018 making a next-gen monitoring tool. Our design goals came from thrilled customers and lots of interviews.
There’s nothing more frustrating than a website crash if you don’t know the cause of it. When your business income depends on uptime, downtime can feel like a ticking clock. But why is your website down? What can you do to get it going again?
This post will explain about CDNs, one of the most important components of the modern web applications. It’s the technology that allows the world’s most popular events to be brought to millions of viewers simultaneously. It’s what allows players of the wildly successful Fortnite game to compete with other players from all over the world.
Whether you are just migrating to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or have well-established workloads running, monitoring spend is essential to maximizing your investment. As of a recent release, you can monitor GCP spend alongside resource performance with LogicMonitor.
Microsoft is making it both convenient and cost-effective to use the SaaS cloud-based Office 365 and Azure cloud services rather than a locally hosted Office, SharePoint and their respective on-premises services. However, there can be outages due to a variety of reasons. Network issues, both local and Internet-based, data center problems, malicious activity, and environmental conditions can all cause outages.
User experience is the basis for competition in the digital services world. A slow website means you’re potentially losing money and customers.
“Life is cyclical, but ascending.” This phrase can be used for a number of situations. We will explain one of those wonderful events that occured in the world of technology: migration. Yes, “life is cyclic, but ascending”. Let’s migrate to php 7.