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Managed GCP GKE Autopilot Released in Public Beta

I am thrilled to announce a significant milestone for Qovery: the public beta release of our Google Cloud Platform (GCP) GKE Autopilot support. This marks a new chapter in our journey, following the successful integration with AWS EKS, Scaleway Kapsule, and Kubernetes. In this announcement article I'll explain what you can get out of GCP GKE Autopilot and what is coming next 👇

What Is A Cloud Engineer? Here's a Quick Breakdown

As you’ve probably realized by now, cloud computing isn’t the future. It is here and now. According to Gartner, global spending on public cloud services alone will surpass $725 billion by 2024. This rise in cloud computing is a great career opportunity for you. And what better way to immensely benefit from this shift than becoming a cloud engineer?

BizTalk Server to Azure Integration Services: Send zipped messages (or files)

Welcome again to another BizTalk Server to Azure Integration Services blog post. In my previous blog post, I discussed how you can migrate one-way BizTalk Server routing solutions. Today, we will address another classic requirement in legacy BizTalk Server solutions.

How to Monitor Your Hybrid Applications Without Toil

About seventy-two percent of businesses operate in a hybrid IT environment, mixing their cloud-based services with traditional on-premises infrastructure. These hybrid environments offer many benefits, from scale, speed, and flexibility to security, cost savings, and control, blending the best of both worlds.

The role of the CI/CD pipeline in cloud computing

The Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline has evolved as a cornerstone in the fast-evolving world of software development, particularly in the field of cloud computing. This blog aims to demystify how CI/CD, a set of practices that streamline software development, enhances the agility and efficiency of cloud computing.

Azure Not For You? Here Are 10 Azure Alternatives

Microsoft Azure offers over 150 cloud products and services. In addition to Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Azure Cloud also supports multiple use cases. Yet, Azure can be complex, expensive, and a lot to figure out — let alone optimize for your specific cloud computing needs. Maybe you’ve looked into the cloud service provider.

Head in the Clouds - Understanding Why Cloud Monitoring is Important

Deploying an infrastructure in the cloud has become THE standard across the industry. According to O’Reilley Research, more than 90% of organizations are on the cloud or are using it in some capacity. As reported by Precedence Research, cloud deployment will surpass $1 trillion by the year 2028. But with the adoption of a new platform comes the need for tools and best practices to keep it up and running efficiently, which includes cloud-based monitoring.

Taking the Gold Rush to the regions

2023 was the year of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 2024 will build on the incredible momentum of the likes of ChatGPT, Google Bard, Microsoft CoPilot, and others, delivering applications and services that apply AI to every industry imaginable. A recent analysis piece from Schroders makes the point well: “The mass adoption of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) …has sparked interest akin to the Californian Gold Rush.”

OneDrive or Google Drive? All About Big Tech's Two Biggest Cloud Services

Many cloud storage services are on the market today, which can be overwhelming, meaning many people will turn to the most popular ones, Google Drive and OneDrive, often because they are easier solutions. Without a doubt, they provide numerous benefits, including cost savings, ease of information transmission, and flexible storage, among others. Both cloud storage systems are powerful and have several advantages for regular work and life.