The Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline has evolved as a cornerstone in the fast-evolving world of software development, particularly in the field of cloud computing. This blog aims to demystify how CI/CD, a set of practices that streamline software development, enhances the agility and efficiency of cloud computing.
Deploying an infrastructure in the cloud has become THE standard across the industry. According to O’Reilley Research, more than 90% of organizations are on the cloud or are using it in some capacity. As reported by Precedence Research, cloud deployment will surpass $1 trillion by the year 2028. But with the adoption of a new platform comes the need for tools and best practices to keep it up and running efficiently, which includes cloud-based monitoring.
2023 was the year of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 2024 will build on the incredible momentum of the likes of ChatGPT, Google Bard, Microsoft CoPilot, and others, delivering applications and services that apply AI to every industry imaginable. A recent analysis piece from Schroders makes the point well: “The mass adoption of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) …has sparked interest akin to the Californian Gold Rush.”
This blog post discusses utilizing Cribl Search to pull and visualize data from the AWS API without ingesting data. This will allow you to collect, analyze, and visualize data from your AWS account in real time without ingesting the data first.