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Introducing Monitoring Query Language, now GA in Cloud Monitoring

Developers and operators on IT and development teams want powerful metric querying, analysis, charting, and alerting capabilities to troubleshoot outages, perform root cause analysis, create custom SLI / SLOs, reports and analytics, set up complex alert logic, and more. So today we’re excited to announce the General Availability of Monitoring Query Language (MQL) in Cloud Monitoring! MQL represents a decade of learnings and improvements on Google’s internal metric query language.

Hindsight is 2020: How we learned to swim in the river

Come December, it’s traditional in the industry to meditate on emerging trends and make predictions about how these will shape the year to come. I have my fair share of prognostications for 2021, but I want to take this moment to reflect on a year that could never have been predicted.

3 Things Gartner Says Are Difficult About Cost Management and Optimization That CloudZero Makes Easier

Earlier this year, Gartner published a report called “How to Manage and Optimize Costs of Public Cloud IaaS and PaaS.” Overall, we agreed with the piece and wrote a blog post about what they get right (and where they miss). However, one thing that stood out to us is how many aspects of optimization Gartner described as very difficult — which CloudZero can help make easier.

(Almost) Everything You Need to Know About SRE

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a hot topic, but what exactly does it entail? And do you have to follow the principles to a T in order to achieve benefits from it? If you’re searching for answers to these common questions, look no further. In this episode of the Cloud & Culture podcast, VMware Tanzu’s Hannah Foxwell explains the what, why, and how of SRE—from key principles (such as SLI, SLO, and error budgets) to real-life examples of enterprise adoption.

Using Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Service Mesh Based Applications for Distributed Deployments

Service Mesh is an emerging architecture pattern gaining traction today. Along with Kubernetes, Service Mesh can form a powerful platform which addresses the technical requirements that arise in a highly distributed environment typically found on a microservices cluster and/or service infrastructure. A Service Mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for facilitating service-to-service communications between microservices.

How to Expose and protect Logic App using Azure API Management (Part 5) - API operation documentation: Descriptions (Part 1)

There is no doubt that organizations have a difficult task to address the current requirements for building and managing APIs, especially if they don’t use tools like API Management. APIs require up-to-date and strong documentation, increased security levels, comprehensive testing, routine versioning, and high-reliability to be appropriately utilized.

What Gartner Gets Right About Cloud Cost Optimization (and Where They Miss)

Earlier this year, Gartner published “How to Manage and Optimize Costs of Public Cloud IaaS and PaaS,” by analysts Marco Meinardi and Traverse Clayton. As a company that is focused on enabling engineering teams with cloud cost intelligence, we were of course curious what they had to say. Now, if you are familiar with Gartner, you know they have a reputation for serving enterprise clients, so they can sometimes be — well, enterprisey.

Why Grafana Labs delivers the best Prometheus in the Cloud

Over the last several months, there have been a variety of service providers that have launched Managed Prometheus offerings. This is a testament to the rise in popularity of the Prometheus project, and how it’s becoming a de facto standard for metrics. The most recent announcement in the Managed Prometheus landscape came from AWS. During a re:Invent keynote on Dec. 15, Amazon announced its AWS Managed Service for Prometheus.

That's a wrap! re:Invent 2020

AWS’s annual re:Invent wrapped up this week, and although we didn’t get to see customers, colleagues and, friends in Las Vegas this year, it was still an eventful three weeks. Spot by NetApp sponsored the virtual conference and hosted a number of activities including our AWS JAM session on Kubernetes and infrastructure scaling, an expert session on cloud compute optimization, and an interview with Spot by NetApp’s CEO and founder, Amiram Shachar.

Why we helped AWS build its Prometheus service

During a re:Invent keynote on Dec. 15, Amazon announced its AWS Managed Service for Prometheus. The service is built using the CNCF’s Cortex project, the open source, horizontally scalable Prometheus-compatible project that I started with Julius Volz over four years ago. I’d like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to the Prometheus-as-a-Service club! We think you’ve made a good choice choosing Cortex, and see this as a massive vote of confidence in the project.