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Recapping Re:Invent 2020

As with many things in 2020, this year’s AWS re:Invent was quite different from any previous iterations. For starters, instead of a week of live talks, face-to-face sessions, and a room full of booths, this year the event was fully online and stretched out for three weeks. As sponsors of this year’s event, we were excited to participate and continue to make an impact on the AWS community.

The Big Deal About Big Data and Kubernetes

Should you run big data workloads on Kubernetes? Not so long ago, most people would have said certainly not. Among the reasons you might have heard: Although early adoption of Kubernetes was dominated by stateless services rather than data-centric applications, more and more teams responsible for big data platforms are now looking to adopt Kubernetes, especially those looking to deploy and operate big data workloads in the cloud.

Splunk Cloud Self-Service: Announcing The New Admin Config Service API

In our last blog, "What's New in Splunk Cloud: Part 1," we reviewed a host of new Splunk Cloud features that we have delivered through our accelerated releases since the beginning of 2020. A large part of this effort focused on empowering Splunk Cloud admins and making their experience as self-service as possible. In this blog, we will examine our latest effort to continue this empowerment: Splunk Cloud’s Admin Configuration Service (ACS).

AWS Cost Optimization: A Guide To Managing Your AWS Bill

For developers and programmers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers many benefits. It gives you access to the computing and DevOps tools you need at the press of a button — which helps you get products out the door fast. However, it can be challenging to control your costs and identify waste. In this comprehensive guide, we will examine some practical steps you can take for AWS cost optimization.

Deploying AWS Lambda with Docker Containers: I Gave it a Try and Here's My Review

Among all the new features and services that AWS announced during the re:Invent 2020, my favorites were definitely the AWS Lambda updates. And there were many! For example, your code execution is no longer rounded up to the nearest 100ms of duration for billing — you are now billed on a per millisecond. On top of that, AWS increased the Lambda’s memory capacity to 10 GB, and correspondingly the CPU capacity up to 6 vCPUs.

Getting started with Elastic Cloud

Elastic Cloud puts the power of the Elastic Stack in your hands within minutes. Whether you’re trying to add search capabilities with Elastic Enterprise Search, monitor critical systems and applications with Elastic Observability, or protect your organization from cyber threats with Elastic Security, taking the first step is easy.

Automated App Modernization from AIX to Linux in Days

When we talk about going Cloud-Native we often think about Microservices as well, probably because that’s where the actual innovation, time, cost-saving, and better utilization of resources happen. And CloudHedge is keenly focused on helping enterprises to bring the benefits of containers to traditional legacy business applications that are run on a widely used operating system: AIX!

Start and Stop DocumentDB Clusters Actions

Amazon DocumentDB is a managed MongoDB-compatible database service provided by AWS. It provides the database in clusters, with multiple instances, for high-availablity. To help with cost-reduction strategies, AWS allows DocumentDB clusters to be stopped and restarted. While the cluster is stopped, you’re not charged. So it’s a great candidate to shut off overnight and on weekends if it’s not needed.

Find logs fast with new "tail -f" functionality in Cloud Logging

When you’re troubleshooting an app or a deployment, every second counts! Cloud Logging helps you troubleshoot by aggregating logs from across Google Cloud, on-premises or other clouds, indexing, aggregating logs into metrics, scanning for unique errors with Error Reporting and making logs available for search, all in less than a minute. And now, we’ve built two new features for streaming logs to give you even fresher insights from your logs data.

How to Expose and protect Logic App using Azure API Management (Part 5) - API operation documentation: Tags and Headers (Part 2)

There is no doubt that organizations have a difficult task to address the current requirements for building and managing APIs, especially if they don’t use tools like API Management. APIs require up-to-date and strong documentation, increased security levels, comprehensive testing, routine versioning, and high-reliability to be appropriately utilized.