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Why Selenium Is Bad For Testing Cloud Services?

Selenium is a great open source project that can be useful for monitoring simple multi-page apps, but using Selenium for testing or monitoring SaaS services can be a challenge. Occasionally, our sales and engineering teams talk to prospects who say, “We have other fellas who write Selenium scripts, I’m just going to ask them to write tests for SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams or Exchange Online”. We get it: you’re trying to save your company money.

Integrate 2020 Remote - Day 2

With Day 1 of the event rolled up, the platform was all set for the next day of the event. Day 2 of Integrate 2020 has been one roller-coaster experience for the attendees with some amazing sessions and certainly, loads of updates from the Microsoft Product Team and MVPs. So, for those who missed it out, make use of this blog.

How to Reduce Costs on AWS Lambda

As a Serverless computing service, Lambda already saves hundreds of thousands of dollars for many companies out there. While traditional server-based infrastructures usually lead to overprovisioning and waste, the Serverless pay-per-use model enables cost-effective cloud spending. Nevertheless, there are still more cost-saving opportunities that many development teams miss on AWS Lambda. Optimizing Lambda functions can be time-consuming, though.

5 Best Heroku Add-Ons in 2020

The cloud provides a standardized approach to embracing disruptive technologies with higher agility and ease of operations. This is why most organizations have embraced cloud-based infrastructure and services for application development and delivery. However, the processes, tools, and platforms used in the application development life cycle are always evolving, allowing businesses to make the most of their cloud investments.

Integrate 2020 Remote - Day 1

INTEGRATE has become part of our company culture since we started it back in 2013. We created a place for all Microsoft Integration people from across the world to get together and share experiences. This year, considering the Covid situation, we made a big decision to take INTEGRATE 2020 into a virtual conference with a new branding called “INTEGRATE 2020 REMOTE”. If you wish to get redirected to blogs based on each session on day 1 of the event, here is the quick guide to help you out.

Event-Driven Microservices with Azure Functions, Event Grid and Cosmos DB

This blog is an extraction of the session “Event-Driven Microservices with Azure Functions, Event Grid and Cosmos DB” presented by Martin Abbott, who is Azure MVP, Regional Director. We need to first have a deep understanding of all the services and components that are used to create the End to End application.

Best practices for monitoring GCP audit logs

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services for deploying, managing, and monitoring applications. A critical part of deploying reliable applications is securing your infrastructure. Google Cloud Audit Logs record the who, where, and when for activity within your environment, providing a breadcrumb trail that administrators can use to monitor access and detect potential threats across your resources (e.g., storage buckets, databases, service accounts, virtual machines).

Cost Optimization Tips from AWS Summit Online

This year’s AWS Summits are more than a little different. Despite being virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, AWS is packing these events with lots of content. I’ve had a great time attending virtually, trying out hands-on labs, and sitting in on the technical sessions. As I work primarily with cost management and optimization for cloud compute services, this has been my main interest in attending the conferences. Here are my main takeaways around better managing your AWS cloud costs.

Cloud Infrastructure Means Shifted Responsibilities

The shift to cloud infrastructure does not remove the need for infrastructure management and administrators but rather necessitates a shift in their responsibilities. Cloud infrastructure has grown to be a ubiquitous part of the modern software industry. This is an amazing growth when you realize that Amazon did not announce Amazon Web Services, starting with Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2), until 2006.

Cloud Adoption is No Longer an Option for Federal Agencies

In May 2019, Bloomberg Government reported that Federal agencies planned to move 272 information technology programs to the cloud in FY2020. Fast forward to April 2020 — they reported that there are more than 1,800 federal IT programs that are either migrating or considering migrating to the cloud in fiscal 2021, signifying a rapid increase in cloud adoption in the federal government. How might COVID-19 affect this explosive increase in cloud interest?