Takeaways from Serverless Architecture Conference NL 2019
Lumigo VP Product Avishai Shafir rounds up the most interesting talking points from the three-day Serverless Architecture Conference, held in The Hague, Netherlands.
Lumigo VP Product Avishai Shafir rounds up the most interesting talking points from the three-day Serverless Architecture Conference, held in The Hague, Netherlands.
Continuing the trend from last year, in 2019 we see more organizations riding the wave of Serverless and Kubernetes, and many are starting to see tangible results. The widespread adoption of these technologies, however, has only just begun. Below, we examine five trends in serverless that are sure to impact the way organizations develop and deliver software for years to come.
AWS is the most popular cloud platform for enterprises, and with good reason. Amazon has massive infrastructure around the world, and many years of experience with it. Whether your network is completely on the cloud or you have a hybrid network, using AWS saves your business a lot of money and physical space. You benefit from Amazon’s tremendous economies of scale, and a lot of the tedious work involved in maintaining a network can be delegated to them.
Great writers use metaphors to get their point across so let me give that a try real quick. Bugs are nasty little pests, mm’key? It’s hard to get rid of them but apart of just spraying poison everywhere, there are only a few options left. One of those options is using a natural predator to those bugs, a predator like birds. So birds can help you get rid of bugs. I work for a company called Dashbird that help developers debug their AWS Lambda applications. See what I did there?
SAN FRANCISCO - April 9, 2019 -- Rollbar, provider of real-time error monitoring Software as a Service, announced today its partnership with Google Cloud and its availability on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace. Rollbar provides automatic error detection and analysis centered around its customizable grouping engine.
Azure Backup is a cloud-based backup service that enables you to effectively protect data. With Azure Backup, data for different Azure cloud and on-premises components can be backed up, stored in a cost-efficient manner, and recovered as needed. At LogicMonitor, we commonly get asked about monitoring these backup services.
Amazon EBS allows you to provision storage volumes for your EC2 instances without having to actually manage physical hardware. However, since it’s a managed service, you have less visibility with traditional monitoring tools. As such, it becomes even more important to take advantage of the available monitoring tools in AWS. In this post, we’ll explain how to use CloudWatch to monitor EBS and what is important to watch.
If you even partly believe Marc Andreessen’s 2011 “software is eating the world” comment, it stands to reason that companies who are good at software will be the winners in a digital world. Given this, I find it ironic that little large-scale research has gone into what it takes to be good at software.
Serverless technologies are lowering the barrier to entry for global deployments with on-demand pricing and scaling. AWS’ serverless offerings are now supported in 16 regions, and with the help of Up Pro’s latest v1.2.0 release we’re going to take a look at setting up a globally distributed app to decrease latency for your customers.
AWS CodeDeploy is a deployment management service offered by AWS. You can use it to deploy updates of your applications to your EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and on-premises servers. This can be a powerful tool in your CI/CD pipeline. Today, I’m happy to announce a new action: Deploy CodeDeploy Application.