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What are the essential data security compliances Asset Infinity follows?

Data security is a major concern for every organization, and all organizations want to put their best foot forward to keep their data secure. Asset Infinity provides cloud-based asset tracking software to organizations & they manage their data as well, that is why we are also asked for data security cautions we are taking. In this blog, we will learn several important aspects related to data security, What Compliance Asset Infinity is complied with. So, without wasting any time let us begin!

Keep your assets and asset data secure with Asset Infinity's data security compliances

Assets are important for organizations in order to run day-to-day operations, which is why taking care of each asset is crucial. At the same time, it is important to save asset information and all business information from cyber-attacks and data breaches. There are government firms who perform compliance audits to check IT service providing organization following rules & policies. If not, then they might end up paying huge penalties for violating law & regulatory policies. ‍

Complement Your Cybersecurity Program with Real-Time IT Operations Monitoring

On October 3, 2022, the U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued Binding Operational Directive (BOD) 23-01, Improving Asset Visibility and Vulnerability Detection on Federal Networks. The directive requires federal civilian executive branch (FCEB) agencies to deliver a series of procedures, reports, and process validations for continuous and comprehensive asset visibility by April 3, 2023. Thereafter, agencies must maintain compliance with the directive.

5 Proven Ways to Better Protect Customer Data

Technology and innovation have made access to customer data a walk in the park for many businesses. In today’s world, access to customer data is one significant way businesses can provide services that their customers will find acceptable. It helps you provide personalized services and offer customers products and services they will find relevant, which will lead to increased sales conversion. But, unfortunately, most good things have their downsides, and access to customer data is not excluded.

How to Have a More Professionally Rewarding Workplace with Automation

I love automation. Seriously, what could be more satisfying than tricking a machine into doing all the things you don’t want to do using only the power of your mind? Paying bills, brewing coffee, making appointments, ordering food… it’s like being Tom Sawyer without all the manipulation and questionable ethical choices.

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SAP HotNews automation and security

"How do we keep our data secure?" is the question nearly every organization is asking these days. The last spot any organization wants to be in is that of a security breach. Stephane Nappo, an industry known Chief Security officer, is often heard saying "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and a few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it". And here he's just referencing the fall out of a business's image from a breach and not even touching on the mass harm that can be done with stolen data in the wrong hands.

Accelerating cloud-native development brings opportunities and challenges for enterprises

By 2025, Gartner estimates that over 95% of new digital workloads will be deployed on cloud-native platforms, up from 30% in 2021. This momentum of these workloads and solutions presents a significant opportunity for companies that can meet the challenges of the burgeoning industry.

Detect data exfiltration activity with Kibana's new integration

Does your organization’s data include sensitive information, like intellectual property or personally identifiable information (PII)? Do you want to protect your data from being stolen and sent (i.e., exfiltrated) to external web services? If the answer to these questions is yes, then Elastic’s Data Exfiltration Detection package can help you identify when critical enterprise data is being stolen and exfiltrated.

Why You Need to Use Mobile Applications to Increase Business Efficiency

As more people continue to use smartphones, there is a surge in the need to develop mobile applications for businesses. Smartphones are changing how businesses interact with their customers and how customers look for products and services. They have transformed communication and made it part of day-to-day life. Doing so has brought a lot of changes in the market. Therefore, businesses must know how to take advantage of this evolution to increase efficiency, get more customers, and ensure growth.