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AWS threat detection using CloudTrail and Sysdig Secure

Implementing AWS threat detection with Sysdig Secure takes just a few minutes. Discover how to improve the security of your cloud infrastructure using AWS CloudTrail and Sysdig Cloud Connector. With the rise of microservices and DevOps practices, a new level of dangerous actors threatens the cloud environment that governs all of your infrastructure. A malicious or inattentive cloud API request could have a sizable impact on availability, performance, and last but not least, billing.

What Are SSL Certificate Errors: Causes & Best Practices on How to Prevent and Fix Them

What do you think of a website that displays SSL/TLS certificate errors when you visit it? Most people abandon it in disappointment. A certain amount of trust and respect for the service is lost. After investing a lot of effort and time in getting users to visit your site, and the user finds the site down or showing a warning, it will result in having dissatisfied users. Moreover, if the downtime or warning is due to a security issue, it will also hurt your brand image.

The Employee Offboarding Checklist for IT Pros

Network hardware failures. Internet outages. DDoS attacks. These are the types of disruptions you probably spend your time preparing to handle. But there’s another potential source of trouble that most IT pros think about much less frequently, and which happens far more often: employee offboarding. Whether an employee is leaving to pursue another opportunity or an employee is being terminated, you need to make sure your company’s network and data are secure.

Best Practices for Delivering a Business-Driven Security Posture

The main focus for cybersecurity teams — moving beyond compliance — is to deliver the level of security required to manage the likelihood of a breach and the potential impact to the business. This is more effective than simply focusing on the cost of delivering security services.

Reduce Security Cost by Shifting Left

With the emergence of “Shift Left” as common practice for development, we’re seeing many opportunities to reduce costs around our development practices, but what about security? Prisma Cloud is supporting “Shift Left” by making their scanning capabilities available to Developers and CI Tooling to run scans against microservice projects. As a bonus, the Prisma Cloud product suite scanning capabilities fit perfectly within Codefresh.

4 Monitoring Alerts to Automate Service Desk Tickets and Reduce Downtime

Whether you’re a small business with fewer than 100 employees or a global enterprise with thousands, having an alert system integrated into the service desk can be invaluable. This type of cross-functional integration can trigger automatic incidents in the service desk based on certain monitoring events, particularly issues that impact a significant portion of employees, including critical applications and network infrastructure.

9 Smart Ways to Keep Customer Data Secure on Your E-Commerce Website

E-commerce has now revolutionized the way that people shop. But one of the biggest challenges a lot of e-commerce owners face today is website security. Although selling online opens doors for many opportunities, keeping your site safe from phishing, hacking, and other cyber attacks can be a nightmare for a lot of online business owners. Also, the risk is even higher because the choice of security provisions is often beyond your reach.