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Why Websites Get Blocked and How to Bypass it

Censorship appears to be increasingly tough not only in countries, which we traditionally view as authoritarian (Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, etc.) but in Western ones as well. It is not uncommon anymore for users from around the globe to find themselves unable to access their favorite resources.

Dealing with three pathbreaking scenarios under the CCPA

“I’d like to pay with my credit card.” “Sure! Let me have your card. Could I also get your full name, phone number, and address?” “Yeah. It’s Logan Lovato, and I live at 1 Lemon Street, Anaheim. My number is 714.308.75xx.” This was a common occurence at retail stores across the US in the not too distant past. People shared their information and didn’t think much about it.

Extend CI/CD with CR for Continuous App Resilience

The radical shift towards DevOps and the continuous everything movement have changed how organizations develop and deploy software. As the consolidation and standardization of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes and tools occur in the enterprise, a standardized DevOps model helps organizations deliver faster software functionality at a large scale.

Monitor TLS/SSL: Certificates, Ciphers, Expiration and Spoofing

Exoprise recently released two new CloudReady sensors for monitoring Transport Layer Security (TLS), aka Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), connections end-to-end. TLS/SSL is the foundation for just about every web request and transaction across the Internet today. Arguably, SSL is as important as TCP/IP itself to the formation of our modern-day Internet, SaaS and Cloud world.

5 reasons to use Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the de facto open source container orchestration tool for enterprises. It provides application deployment, scaling, container management, and other capabilities, and it enables enterprises to optimize hardware resource utilization and increase production uptime through fault-tolerant functionality at speed. The project was initially developed by Google, which donated the project to the Cloud-Native Computing Foundation. In 2018, it became the first CNCF project to graduate.

To SIEM or not to SIEM?

Not investing in Security Incident and Event Management solutions means you’re missing out on significant business benefits. SIEM detects and responds to security incidents in real time, which reduces the risk of noncompliance. It also helps realize greater value across all underlying security technology and systems. Reporting with SIEM is more comprehensive and less time-intensive, helping to reduce capital and operational costs through consolidation.

How to use Single Sign-On in LogDNA (SSO)

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication model designed to let users access different applications, services, and resources using a single set of credentials. Instead of having multiple user accounts for different applications, users are assigned a single centralized account that is used to authenticate with each application. This makes it more convenient for users to authenticate, while also making it easier for IT administrators to manage multiple accounts.

Cloud Security: What It Is and Why It's Different

The principles of data protection are the same whether your data sits in a traditional on-prem data center or in a cloud environment. The way you apply those principles, however, are quite different when it comes to cloud security vs. traditional security. Moving data to the cloud introduces new attack-surfaces, threats, and challenges, so you need to approach security in a new way.