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Get Going with SNS

Every day that I commute home, I check Google Maps for the next Trimet bus arrival at the usual stop. There’s nothing wrong with this ritual but it always distracts or leaves me stalled for a few empty minutes. Ever the proponent of laziness automation, I decided to build a stack that will do this for me by texting incoming arrival times for my bus home.

Why You Should Use API Gateway Proxy Integration With Lambda

Ben Kehoe wrote a post about AWS API Gateway to Lambda integration: How you should — and should not — use API Gateway proxy integration with Lambda. In his post, Ben gave a few reasons why he believes using API Gateway Proxy Integration is an anti-pattern. Ben does a great job summarizing how the integration works. He writes: The pattern that I am recommending against is the “API Gateway proxy integration” as shown in the API Gateway documentation here.

AWS Step Functions 101

We are going to talk about an essential part of AWS Lambda called “AWS Step Functions.” What are Step Functions? Why are they important for AWS Lambda users? What are they used for, and what can we expect to get by using them? Bare with us, and discover more critical information on Step Functions throughout this article. We’ll begin with the explanation of what are Step Functions. AWS Step Functions service is the most recent service released by none other than Amazon Web Services.

Is AWS Lambda actually useful?

If you’re in developing business, you’ve probably heard about AWS Lambda by now. In case you haven’t, AWS Lambda has been among us for years, and it certainly brought a whole new level for running a code. The benefits of using AWS Lambda are vast, and many developers already use AWS Lambda daily. If you’re not among them, read through this article to learn more about what AWS Lambda can do for you and your code.

Best Practices for Managing Multiple On-Call Teams

Alerting has come a long way from the days of paging an on-call administrator in the middle of the night, to multiple on-call teams that run and manage incident response around the clock. This is because as organizations grow and scale, responding to incidents also gets more complex and you often need more than one team to get involved to successfully resolve an incident.

Monitoring Usage and Maintaining Effectiveness

In 2018, AWS pulled in $25.7 billion. Amazons serverless cloud-computing platform keeps growing every year, and with that growth comes the same types of problems every massive effort faces: the limits and deterioration of performance as time goes on. With the rise of serverless technology, developing application and new services has never been easier.

[OpsComm June] Driving Real Business Value with the OpsRamp Cost Savings Calculator

June 2019 saw the launch of The OpsRamp Cost Savings Calculator, a simple and powerful tool which helps IT experts quantify how much they can save with OpsRamp's service-centric AIOps platform. Our field marketing team had a blitz with two major events - HPE Discover and CloudExpo Santa Clara where we showcased our AIOps and hybrid IT monitoring capabilities. June also saw our resident experts making several contributions across different media outlets and events.

Docker Build: A Beginner's Guide to Building Docker Images

Docker has changed the way we build, package, and deploy applications. But this concept of packaging apps in containers isn’t new—it was in existence long before Docker. Docker just made container technology easy for people to use. This is why Docker is a must-have in most development workflows today. Most likely, your dream company is using Docker right now. Docker’s official documentation has a lot of moving parts. Honestly, it can be overwhelming at first.

5 Most Common Web Application Attacks and How to Defend Against Them

Globally, cybercrime was the second most reported crime in 2016, and cybercrime damages are anticipated to cost businesses and organizations $6 trillion annually by 2021. One of the ways that cybercriminals attack businesses is through the use of web application vulnerabilities. A web application vulnerability is a flaw or loophole in an application’s code that can be exploited by attackers to facilitate cybercrime. Imperva reports that web application vulnerabilities are on the rise.

Agent Smith materializes from the matrix of Android malware

There’s a new shapeshifting strain of Android malware in the mix. It replaces legitimate apps with compromised ones and is imaginatively named Agent Smith after the iconic villain in The Matrix. Yet another malware attack targeting Android—so what’s the big deal? Agent Smith is similar to other malware campaigns such as Gooligan, HummingBad, and CopyCat with respect to the destruction it can cause via fraudulent ads.