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The Pain of Debugging WebAssembly

If you know anything about WebAssembly (WASM), it’s probably that WASM lets you execute code compiled from languages such as C, C++, Rust, or others in the browser at almost native speeds. You might be less familiar with the fact that WASM is not only an interesting technology in the browser, but also in other environments that require fast sandboxing. As such, WASM has found some popularity with edge computing and as a lightweight docker replacement for certain situations.

Automate registry scanning with Harbor & Sysdig

Discover what registry scanning is, how it helps with shifting security left, and how you can implement it using Harbor and Sysdig. Shifting security left is all about moving security to the earliest possible moment in the development process, dramatically improving “time to fix” and security impact. In this article, we’re going to show you how to shift left with Harbor registry and Sysdig Secure.

Disaster Recovery Preparedness for Your Kubernetes Clusters

In the pre-Kubernetes, pre-container world, backup and recovery solutions were generally implemented at the virtual machine (VM) level. That works for traditional applications when an application runs on a single VM. But when applications are containerized and managed with an orchestrator like Kubernetes, this system falls apart. That means effective disaster recovery (DR) plans for Kubernetes must be designed for containerized architectures and natively understand the way Kubernetes functions.

How to optimize your logging costs

CIOs see data costs as their greatest logging challenge to overcome, according to this survey we collaborated on with IDC. If you’re running significant production operations, you’re almost certainly generating 100’s of GB of log data every day. Naturally, you’re also monitoring those logs and querying for incident investigations. However, most log data is never queried or analyzed, yet makes up the majority of logging costs.

Ensuring Availability and Security for Remote Workers

The year 2020 has seen various changes throughout the world but no change has seen more of an impact than the Corona-virus. During this epidemic, workers from all industries have moved from a traditional office-based role to WFH (Working From Home). It’s known as a business transforms it brings new risks associated with it. New and emerging technologies and the practices they involve require operational, policy and security measures to be implemented and evolved over time.

Continuous Deployment vs. Continuous Delivery: What is the difference?

Being in the DevOps space, we're often asked questions about software deployment like, "What's the difference between continuous deployment and continuous delivery?", "What is continuous deployment?", and "Are continuous deployment and continuous delivery the same thing?" So first, let's start by clearly defining these terms.

Hey, [Insert Family/Friend Name Here], Let's Talk About Online Security

2020 keeps on proving the old adage, “It gets worse before it gets better.” We still seem to be in the “worse” stage. If you’ve been paying attention to the news—and I don’t blame you if you’ve been taking a break for sanity’s sake—you might have noticed (in addition to the reports about the pandemic and social issues) hacks and general security breaches have been ramping up.

Are Cloud Computing Engineers the Missing Link on Your Federal IT Team?

Cloud computing can be more complex than anticipated, particularly as agencies continue to move applications and operations into a cloud environment. Does your federal IT team have the in-house skills to ensure cloud computing is helping your agency rather than draining its money and resources?