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Prioritize and Investigate Vulnerabilities Identified by OpenVAS with Logz.io

With open source in our roots, we’re always excited about integrations with tools like OpenVAS, a popular open source vulnerability scanner that Greenbone Networks has maintained since 2009. If you’re not currently using OpenVAS, you can find the project here. OpenVAS contains more than 50,000 vulnerability tests with a community constantly updating its feed to adapt to the ever-evolving security landscape.

Connecting the World's Travel Trade with Kubernetes

When you book a hotel online or with a travel agent, you’ve probably got a wish list that has to do with the size of the room, view, location and amenities. You’re probably not thinking about the technology in the background that makes it all happen. That’s where Hotelbeds comes in. The business-to-business travel technology company operates a hotel distribution platform that travel agents, tour operators, airlines and loyalty programs use to book hotel rooms.

Technical introduction to Ocean by Spot: Serverless infrastructure engine for containers and Kubernetes

When it comes to modern container orchestration, there are a variety of control plane solutions for managing your applications in a containerized environment. Users can opt for managed services (i.e. Amazon EKS and ECS, Google GKE and Azure AKS) or run their own orchestration with Kubernetes. However, the dynamic nature of containers introduces operational complexities that can make your cloud infrastructure difficult to manage.

3 Foundational Elements of Zero Trust You Can't Do Without

While the concept of zero-trust security has many IT organizations thinking in terms of identity, access, and cloud services, zero trust must run on a solid foundation. We should start by talking about the goals of zero-trust security. Zero trust involves creating an environment where each access request is first scrutinized to determine whether it should be allowed.

Automating your Feature Branch Repository Management with JFrog CLI

Feature branch workflows are used to isolate work done on a specific feature in a dedicated branch. This allows all development to be kept away from the team’s common codebase until completion. Essentially keeping the master safe from any risk until it is ready to be merged.

Ivanti Neurons for Healing: Shift All the Way Left to Self-Healing

If you are an IT professional, you are technical. You love technology. You love to dabble. You enjoy the thrill that comes from troubleshooting problems and finding a solution. But you probably don’t want to troubleshoot and fix problems all day. There are other interesting things to do. IT can be strategic in helping companies improve their top and bottom line. The complexity of IT continues to increase. The good news is that the need for talented IT staff also continues to grow.

Defining your Sev-1s

One of the primary things you need to figure out whenever your team is formulating your incident management process is describing in words what a Sev0(your highest incident priority) looks like. “Website doesn’t work” is certainly no enough. “Website is up but a key resource (ie CSS file) is missing, rendering the website unusable” is still not enough. “A single page on the website is 404’ing” is not a major but could be a minor incident.

Stabilizing Marathon: Part II

Part I covered our team culture which applies to many different types of work and teams. This part will cover our software engineering best practices that help us stabilize Marathon. Marathon is written in Scala and makes heavy use of Akka Actors and Streams. I probably don’t have to mention that Scala’s type system and its immutable data structures avoid a lot of bugs before we even run unit tests.