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Website Monitoring Tools market in 2020 (infographic)

How many website monitoring service providers are there, worldwide? Where are they from? What features do they offer? How much do they charge? You can learn the answers to these questions and much more from our infographic below. In May 2020, we conducted research analysing and comparing website monitoring offers from all over the world. Here is a graphical presentation of what we found out.

The Great Firewall of China: Obstacles to Monitoring Performance

The entire country of China’s internet connectivity is shielded by the Great Firewall (GFW). There are three state-owned ISP providers, China Unicom, China Telecom, and China Mobile, that control internet in China. Essentially, all traffic between China and the rest of the world goes through a few national level and a handful of core level access points in different regions.

Become an InfluxDB Inventor

As InfluxDB continues to grow and improve, more and more developers are using it as the platform of choice for their own solutions. Most of these solutions range from filling niche internal needs to solving common problems faced by entire industries, but some of them are extraordinary for their impact, innovation, or how much they push the boundaries of what is possible with the technology. In order to recognize those, we are launching the InfluxDB Inventors program.

How we made working with Prometheus easier with metric metadata in Grafana's Explore view

At Grafana Labs, we’re all big fans of the Prometheus and Grafana combination. To an extent, we just won’t shut up about it. We strongly believe in simplicity and think you shouldn’t need any extra effort to understand the metrics of your service(s) holistically. Yet we’ve all been in that situation where it is challenging to fully grasp what the metrics of our service(s) are and what they do. While naming conventions exist, at times they are not followed or enforced.

Building Machine Learning Pipelines with Kubeflow

In part one of this series, I introduced you to Kubeflow, a machine learning platform for teams that need to build machine learning pipelines. In this section, we will learn how to take an existing machine learning project and turn it into a Kubeflow machine learning pipeline, which in turn can be deployed onto Kubernetes. As you are going through this exercise, think about how you can convert your existing machine learning projects into a Kubeflow one.

From Monolith to Microservices

Today, monolithic applications evolve to be too large to deal with as all the functionalities are placed in a single unit. Many enterprises are tasked with breaking them down into microservices architecture. At LogicMonitor we have a few legacy monolithic services. As business rapidly grew we had to scale up these services, as scaleout was not an option.

Enabling multicloud K8s communication with Skupper

There are many challenges that engineering teams face when attempting to incorporate a multi-cloud approach into their infrastructure goals. Kubernetes does a good job of addressing some of these issues, but managing the communication of clusters that span multiple cloud providers in multiple regions can become a daunting task for teams. Often this requires complex VPNs and special firewall rules to multi-cloud cluster communication.

Video: Identifying Memory Bloat

In this video, we are going to take a look at what memory bloat is, and how you can use Scout to eliminate it from your applications. Memory related performance issues have the potential to bring your entire application down, and yet, most APMs completely ignore this fact and fail to provide any useful way of monitoring memory usage at all.

How to integrate Mattermost E20 with Office 365

Many Mattermost DevOps teams work in “Microsoft Shops”—organizations that use Office 365 apps with the Microsoft 365 business plan—and want to tightly integrate with Microsoft tools to more easily collaborate with the rest of the company. Mattermost E20 was architected from the ground up to be highly flexible. As such, integrating with other platforms including Microsoft is easy. Here’s how.