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Best practices for monitoring GCP audit logs

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services for deploying, managing, and monitoring applications. A critical part of deploying reliable applications is securing your infrastructure. Google Cloud Audit Logs record the who, where, and when for activity within your environment, providing a breadcrumb trail that administrators can use to monitor access and detect potential threats across your resources (e.g., storage buckets, databases, service accounts, virtual machines).

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11 security best practices for enterprises adopting a work-from-home model (Free e-book)

A majority of companies are moving towards a work-from-home model in an effort to reduce costs and improve operational agility. However, along with these advantages, a remote workforce brings up numerous security concerns. Download this e-book to learn how to secure your network and safely support a remote workforce.

Migrating from the Codefresh registry to Google Container Registry

On July 15th the Codefresh registry that is part of all Codefresh accounts will be removed from service. The removal is part of a big round of improvements to our native integration with Docker registries. We have invested significant efforts in using Codefresh as a unified platform for Docker images and the way they are used inside CI/CD pipelines. More details on the migration actions for the Codefresh registry can be found in our timeline announcement.

GrafanaCONline Day 10 recap: what's new in Grafana Cloud Graphite and Metrictank

Welcome to the third and final week of GrafanaCONline! We hope you’re able to check out our last day of online sessions today. If you didn’t get a chance to watch yesterday’s sessions (or want to watch them again), here’s what you missed on day 10 of the conference.

Cloud Infrastructure Means Shifted Responsibilities

The shift to cloud infrastructure does not remove the need for infrastructure management and administrators but rather necessitates a shift in their responsibilities. Cloud infrastructure has grown to be a ubiquitous part of the modern software industry. This is an amazing growth when you realize that Amazon did not announce Amazon Web Services, starting with Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2), until 2006.

How a Telecom Software Company Ensured Service Uptime with Network Monitoring

When you have millions of customers dependent on your connectivity & communication services performing with best possible efficiency, having network downtime because of any device failure is totally unacceptable. One of our customers is a proprietary global telecommunications vendor which designs, builds as well as manages data networks for telecoms all around the world.

PHP Memory Leaks, How to Find and Fix Them

Memory leaks can happen in any language, including PHP. These memory leaks may happen in small increments that take time to accumulate, or in larger jumps that manifest quickly. Either way, if your app has a memory leak, sooner or later it will cause problems. The source of and solution to PHP memory leaks aren’t always obvious, so you may need to try a few strategies before you eliminate the problem.

Cost Optimization Tips from AWS Summit Online

This year’s AWS Summits are more than a little different. Despite being virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, AWS is packing these events with lots of content. I’ve had a great time attending virtually, trying out hands-on labs, and sitting in on the technical sessions. As I work primarily with cost management and optimization for cloud compute services, this has been my main interest in attending the conferences. Here are my main takeaways around better managing your AWS cloud costs.