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Azure dashboards: Azure Portal vs. SquaredUp (Part 1 - VMInsights)

Be it be on-premise or in Azure, monitoring your resources is extremely important. While the popular monitoring tool to use on premise remains to be SCOM, many organizations with a presence in the cloud have started to explore Azure Monitor to fulfil their monitoring needs in Azure. Recently, we discussed Azure Monitor and its capabilities extensively in our Azure Monitor Learning Path blog series.

Top Industry Performers in Unplanned Server Downtime | Q1 The Uptime Report

Can you be incompetent and still stay in business? Not as far as your web infrastructure is concerned. All the studies show that when a website is unavailable, or even just slow to load, customers go elsewhere—and often they don’t come back. After all, if you can’t keep a website up and running, why should people trust you to deliver any other product or service? So it’s worth asking: how reliable is your website relative to the top brands in your industry?

Tools for debugging apps on Google Kubernetes Engine

Editor’s note: This is a follow up to a recent post on how to use Cloud Logging with containerized applications running in Google Kubernetes Engine. In this post, we’ll focus on how DevOps teams can use Cloud Monitoring and Logging to find issues quickly. Running containerized apps on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a way for a DevOps team to focus on developing apps, rather than on the operational tasks required to run a secure, scalable and highly available Kubernetes cluster.

Understanding and building Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

So, let's say you had a service or application that was built on an orchestration platform such as Kubernetes. In doing so, you must also address an overflowing array of architectural issues, including security, multi-tenancy, API gateways, CLI, configuration management, and logging. Wouldn't you like to save some manpower and development time and focus on creating something unique to your problem? Well, it just so happens that your solution lies in what's called a Custom Resource Definition, or CRD.

IT Risk Assessment vs. IT Risk Management: The Difference and What They Mean to the Service Desk

In life, risks can be perceived both negatively and positively. Taking a risk can sometimes yield great results, but other times, a risk is a yellow light of caution. For businesses in particular, if not managed properly, IT risks like malware malfunctions and employee errors can range in size and occur in several areas. The result is disruption and valuable time being used to resolve the issue. But even with risk present, there are measures IT can put in place to ward them off.

Install Artifactory HA on GKE in a Flash

Installing Artifactory on GKE, or on any Kubernetes cluster for that matter, can be complex. You have to think through several scenarios, switch back and forth between UI and command line, create a lengthy Helm command, search for acceptable parameters … and so on. All this before you have to configure certificates, licenses, database settings, node settings. But there’s more, what about future proofing it?

Continuous Vulnerability Management Is a Must

Face it. Your IT systems may be secure today, but what about next week? Granted, as stated by the Center for Internet Security (CIS), you and your team members must operate in a constant stream of new information—software updates, patches, security advisories, threat bulletins, and more. But as you know, attackers have access to the same information and can leverage gaps between the onset of new knowledge and remediation.

Accelerate Logons and Combat Browser Profile Bloat in Your Multi-Browser Estate with Avanite and Ivanti

Today’s modern IT estates see big increases year-over-year in the use of SaaS-based applications. In addition, with more applications being accessed through the browser, managing browser usage, data, and synchronization has become critical to positive experience for local, mobile, and remote users. Combining Ivanti Environment Manager and Avanite WebData Control offers IT teams enhanced browser management and accelerates logons up to 60%.

Benchmarking End User Experience with Web Vitals

Most business verticals are now digitized. Consumers prefer online shopping, rather than going to a store. Within a few clicks, you can purchase any item of your choice and get it delivered to your doorstep. One of the key reasons for online businesses gaining popularity is their time-saving nature. So, the main goal of any website should be to deliver the best end-user experience.