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Loki's Path to GA: Live Tailing

Launched at KubeCon North America last December, Loki is a Prometheus-inspired service that optimizes storage, search, and aggregation while making logs easy to explore natively in Grafana. Loki is designed to work easily both as microservices and as monoliths, and correlates logs and metrics to save users money. Less than a year later, Loki has almost 6,500 stars on GitHub and is now quickly approaching GA.

Tools This Engineer Uses: Meetup, Glitch, Anki, (Actual) Paper

You probably use many tools to get through the day. Do you ever wonder what tools get other people through their days? In our Tools This Engineer Uses series, we explore the routines, systems, and tools your peers rely on to solve problems and accomplish goals. Liz Krane, Sentry’s new Developer Advocate, is no stranger to meetups. She created and continues to run Learn Teach Code, the second-largest tech meetup in Southern California with over 9,500 members.

Instantly parse the top 12 log types

Throughout the past few months, I had the opportunity to work with and serve hundreds of Coralogix’s customers, the challenges in performing efficient Log Analytics are numerous, from collecting, searching, visualizing, and alerting. What I have come to learn is that at the heart of each and every one of these challenges laid the challenge of data parsing. JSON structured logs are easier to read, easier to search, alert, and visualize.

What's the difference between the Mattermost and Slack Jenkins integration?

Did you know that you can accelerate DevOps workflows in Mattermost using our Jenkins integration? Jenkins is the world’s leading DevOps orchestration and continuous delivery tool. It’s used by more than 1 million people, including the Mattermost team. At Mattermost, our focus is on helping DevOps teams work faster together, and that’s exactly what our deep two-way integration between Mattermost and Jenkins does.

APM goes AIOps, and the market is somewhat confused

The definition for APM (Application Performance Management) has evolved greatly over the past years. It has moved from specifically referring to the monitoring of an application’s experience, its code and the timing of its different building blocks, to a broader term that is used for anything related to the performance of the app. It also often includes all the related monitoring, log management and more.

How Do Systemic Approaches to IT Operations Impact the Business Culture?

The following first appeared in Dataconomy. How are dynamic IT operations affecting company culture? What do businesses need to understand about data driven AI to successfully drive their operations into the future? Risks that previously stayed inside organizational units, such as IT Ops, now leak across domains, influencing decision-making for the entire company.

6 Ways to Save Yourself (and Others) From Tech Burnout

More than half of workers across all industries say they’ve experienced job burnout this year, and when you zone in on tech, the number jumps to 60%. It’s so common the World Health Organization has recognized it as an occupational phenomenon. Symptoms of burnout start off small, with employees experiencing reduced efficiency and energy, lowered levels of motivation, reduced job satisfaction, decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, poor workplace morale, and increased turnover.

What is Amazon Redshift?

In this blog series, we will cover how Amazon Redshift and Sumo Logic deliver best-in-class data storage, processing, analytics, and monitoring. In this first post, we will discuss how Amazon Redshift works and why it is the fastest growing cloud data warehouse in the market, used by over 15,000 customers around the world. When an organization gains traction, the size of data that needs to be stored, monitored, and analyzed expands exponentially.

11 Simple Java Performance Tuning Tips

It’s one thing to write code that works. But what about clean, readable, concise code? That’s another thing entirely. To create an app that solves one problem? Not that hard. What about one that not only solves the problem, but it’s also easy and pleasurable to use? Now we’re talking. You could apply the same reasoning for many software properties, which would make for a long article. Instead, let’s focus on only one of those properties: performance.