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How to Analyze Game Data from Killer Queen Using Machine Learning with Sumo Logic Notebooks

This year, at Sumo Logic’s third annual user conference, Illuminate 2018, we presented Sumo Logic Notebooks as a way to do data science within the Sumo Logic platform. Sumo Logic Notebooks integrate Sumo Logic data, data science notebooks and common machine learning frameworks.

Monitoring Kubernetes, part 1: the challenges + data sources

Our industry has long been relying on microservice-based architecture to deliver software faster and safer. The advent and ubiquity of microservices naturally paved the way for container technology, empowering us to rethink how we build and deploy our applications. Docker exploded onto the scene in 2013, and, for companies focusing on modernizing their infrastructure and cloud migration, a tool like Docker is critical to shipping applications quickly, at scale.

Whitelist Email Addresses: Thunderbird

TLDR; "If you expect to receive important emails from a trusted email address it is worth whitelisting the address to make sure that emails won't be accidentally blocked by an overzealous email client." In this post we show you how to do it in Mozilla Thunderbird by selecting the correct address book settings and adding the email address as a contact in your address book...

A Quick Guide to Encrypted Messaging

With it now being so easy to share information, we have a tendency to over-divulge. We check into public places online, tell the world when we’re going on holiday and where, and send and receive risqué photos. However, when it became public knowledge that the NSA, internet service providers, and trusted social media platforms were able to monitor our private messages, the choice to share or not to share was taken away from us.