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Customers Demanding New Features and Unable to Provide Quickly?

With the adoption of Agile methodology, it is expected to add new features quickly to an application or product. However, if the process of moving from Dev > Test > Stage > Prod is taking weeks or months – then you have a problem at hand (big or small, varies on the type of app/product). Customer will be demanding new features and the development team will be able to build/ create them quickly, which is a good thing!

Unleash the Power of Anywhere IT Ops with Enterprise Alert and its Mobile App

When we introduced ‘remote actions’ in 2012, i.e. the execution of IT automation tasks from your smartphone, we aimed at empowering the mobile (IT) workforce of the future. We aimed at relieving IT people from being bound to their desks, notebooks and PCs.

How to Read Log Files on Windows, Mac, and Linux

Logging is a data collection method that stores pieces of information about the events that take place in a computer system. There are different kinds of log files based on the kind of information they contain, the events that trigger log creation, and several other factors. This post focuses on log files created by the three main operating systems--Windows, Mac, and Linux, and on the main differences in the ways to access and read log files for each OS.

Dynamically Provisioning Local Storage in Kubernetes

At LogDNA, we’re all about speed. We need to ingest, parse, index, and archive several terabytes of data per second. To reach these speeds, we need to find and implement innovative solutions for optimizing all steps of our pipeline, especially when it comes to storing data.

Infrastructure-as-Code Is The New Assembly Language For The Cloud

My career as a software engineer started in 2007 at Purdue University. I was working in the Linux kernel and researching how data was shuffled between the kernel and the user application layers. This was happening in huge clusters of machines that all talked to each other using OpenMPI — how supercomputers, like those at Los Alamos National Labs, operate to perform their enormous calculations around meteorology, physics, chemistry, etc.

Health Check With "Applicare"

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.’ Because Ben Franklin knew a lot about not letting small problems become big headaches, he would have loved Applicare! Discovering trouble after it happens is too late. The only way to survive in business is to stay ahead of what tomorrow may bring. Arcturus Technologies’ health check service can keep your application environment tuned-up and running smoothly.

Applications Manager: A game changer for multiple businesses

To retain a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced digital market, organizations need to focus on their application stack. Error-prone or bug-ridden applications may deter potential customers from visiting a site again. Organizations must monitor application performance at every level to ensure optimal performance of business applications.