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The latest News and Information on Log Management, Log Analytics and related technologies.

What's New in Elastic Stack 6.7

In the midst of all the turmoil and debate around Open Distro for Elasticsearch, Elastic continues to produce, and last week announced both a new major release of the Elastic Stack — version 6.7 (and also the first release candidate for 7.0!). As usual, I’ve put together a brief overview of the main features introduced. One change I’ve applied this time is adding a comment for each feature detailing what license it falls under.

Logging Fundamentals 1

Being inside a company that lives and breathes logging, observability and DevOps intelligence, sometimes it takes a moment to step back and explain what we do to friends, family and others. The simplest way we explain what LogDNA solves for companies with IT systems and software is similar to a blackbox on a plane that keeps a record of the flight data and the cockpit voice recorder.

Kafka Metrics to Monitor

As the first part of a three-part series on Apache Kafka monitoring, this article explores which Kafka metrics are important to monitor and why. When monitoring Kafka, it’s important to also monitor ZooKeeper as Kafka depends on it. The second part will cover Kafka open source monitoring tools, and identify the tools and techniques you need to further help monitor and administer Kafka in production.

Kafka Open Source Monitoring Tools

Open source software adoption continues to grow within enterprises (even for legacy applications), beyond just startups and born-in-the-cloud software. In this second part of our Kafka monitoring series (see the first part discussing Kafka metrics to monitor), we’ll take a look at some open source tools available to monitor Kafka clusters. We’ll explore what it takes to install, configure, and actually use each tool in a meaningful way.

Monitoring Kafka with Sematext

Monitoring Kafka is a tricky task. As you can see in the first chapter, Kafka Key Metrics to Monitor, the setup, tuning, and operations of Kafka require deep insights into performance metrics such as consumer lag, I/O utilization, garbage collection and many more. Sematext provides an excellent alternative to other Kafka monitoring tools because it’s quick and simple to use.

Linux Security Guide: How to Investigate Suspected Break-in Attempts in Linux

Scenario Linux has a number of built-in tools, commands and files which can track and store information about every user activity. These tools are common in most Linux distributions and can be used to investigate suspicious logins or failed login attempts into the system. In this article, we will talk about some of the initial methods to identify possible security breaches. We will use an Amazon EC2 instance to show these commands.

Coralogix teams up with AWS Marketplace for Log Management

AWS offers a plethora of log and metric data but in order to extract meaningful insights and react to production issues on a dime, a centralized logging solution is critical. Today we’re excited to announce the availability of Coralogix on the AWS Marketplace for the first time. You can now get our advanced machine learning log insights directly in your AWS cloud account for full-stack log aggregation, convenient billing, tighter security with your AWS infrastructure, and faster deployment.