The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.
After you register the domain for your website, you might take pride in owning your company’s online address. However, from a legal standpoint, you don’t own it. While you can register it, thieves can hijack it from you. Domain hijacking does not receive a lot of attention, but it is a real threat. Domain hijacking is also very frustrating, as it is relatively easy for thieves to hijack a domain, and once they get control, it can be very difficult and expensive to regain it.
You’ve undoubtedly heard the saying, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” The same idea applies to your IT systems. They’re only as secure as their weakest vulnerability. No organization wants to fall victim to a cyberattack. These three ServiceNow webinars will help prepare you to boost your enterprise IT security and, ultimately, safeguard your business.