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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

CFEngine 3.13.0 released

Today we are very happy to announce the release of CFEngine 3.13.0. This is a non-LTS release, introducing new features and functionality. There is a lot happening with CFEngine these days! This release is closely following last weeks release of CFEngine 3.10.5 LTS, and soon we will also release the next patch version of our 3.12 LTS series. So keep following our updates!

Fantastic Data Breaches (and how to defend against them)

The retail world is under attack. Hackers across the globe are stealing personal details – including credit card information – on an alarmingly regular basis. This is done by placing digital “credit card skimmers” on compromised e-commerce sites. Hackers are able to access these sites usually through 3rd parties software in the form of JavaScript. Major retailers are prime targets – they are not immune and it’s a becoming a BIG problem for everyone.

Three high level patterns in CFEngine

How do you deal with config files that need different settings based on various services that are running on a host and cooperate with other teams? It’s a common question, and it came up on in #cfengine on irc.freenode.net recently. The issue is that team A might be working on package A, which requires some environment variables set. But team B might be working on a totally different thing — and want to achieve the same thing.

Dynamic DNS & Falco: detecting unexpected network activity

Since the inception of Falco, we’ve seen users write custom rules covering a number of different use cases. Because Falco is behavioral monitoring with a syntax that leverages system calls, you can write a rule for just about anything: opening a file, becoming root, or making a network connection.