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The latest News and Information on Service Reliability Engineering and related technologies.

Webinar Recap: How Observability Impacts SRE, Development, and Security Teams

In today’s fast paced and constantly evolving digital landscape, observability has become a critical component of effective software development. Companies are relying more on and using machine and telemetry data to fix customer problems, refine software and applications, and enhance security. However, while more data has empowered teams with more insights, the value derived from that data isn’t keeping pace with this growth. So how can these teams derive more value from telemetry data?

Analytics in Squadcast | Visualize Team and Organization Level Analytics | MTTA MTTR | Squadcast

Analyzing incident data plays a key role to do better SRE. Squadcast's Analytics Dashboard helps you analyze the performance of your Organization/ Team, for a given time period. It also gives you more insight into past outages that affected your systems.
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What are Network Operation Centers (NOC) and how do NOC teams work?

Modern-day markets are highly competitive and in order to foster stronger customer relations, we see businesses striving hard to be always available and operational. Hence, businesses invest heavily to ensure higher uptime and to have dedicated teams that constantly monitor the performance of an organization's IT resources. In this blog, we will explore what NOC teams are and why they are important.

5 Exciting Predictions for SRE in 2023

SRE is a field defined by its constant evolution: from Google’s in-house secret recipe, to the hottest new practice for the biggest enterprise orgs, to a diverse and holistic mentality practiced by orgs of all sizes. Earlier this year, we co-sponsored the Catchpoint State of SRE survey, where we took the temperature of SRE where it was. Now, as we did in 2021 and 2020, we’ll turn to the future to speculate on what 2023 will bring for SRE. ‍
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Runbook Automation as a Baseline for Controllability and Observability

Some of the highest priorities for engineers - from NOC Engineers, DevOps & Site Reliability Engineers - are the automation and optimization of their production environments. Many companies today face tough challenges with their Network Operations Centers (NOCs) or production environments. These challenges fall into the hands of engineering teams.

SRE Trends from AWS re:Invent 2022

In November/December 2022 I attended AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas. It was certainly an experience for this small town kid from New Zealand, and one that I took a lot away from. While I was at the conference, I took the time to walk around and take notes. In this article I will share the trends that I observed which I think will have an impact on SRE work in 2023 and beyond, including: ...and others.

How to talk to your executive leadership team about reliability

Product reliability requires investment from all areas of the business. Technology leaders must effectively communicate the implications of service reliability to the rest of the organization. As a leader, how do you prove that a more reliable product is critical to success? Experts from BetterCloud, Machinify and Blameless come together to discuss how to talk to your executive leadership team about reliability in this webinar.