Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Happy birthday, Sensu Go (plus a giveaway)

As Caleb recently noted, it’s been a year since the GA release of Sensu Go! In fact, today marks the official one-year mark; since December 5, 2018, Sensu Go has been downloaded over 1 million times — 500,000 installs from Packagecloud and over 500,000 pulls from Docker Hub! To celebrate these milestones, we’re giving away five prizes for Sensu 5.0: four (4) Nintendo Switch™ Lites and one (1) Nintendo Switch™ + a $200 Nintendo eShop Card as a grand prize.

Monitor Druid with Datadog

Apache Druid is a data warehouse and analytics platform that can capture streaming data from message queues like Apache Kafka and batch data from static files. Druid can be a valuable component in your technology stack if you need to collect real-time data for online analytical processing (OLAP) tasks like reporting, ad-hoc querying, and dashboarding.

Introducing Datadog Real User Monitoring

The performance of your website is a key element in the success of your business—slow page load times and errors can degrade the user experience, leading to customer churn, fewer ad impressions, or abandoned shopping carts. To give you end-to-end visibility into the real-time activity and experience of individual users, we’re excited to add Real User Monitoring (RUM) to Datadog.

Kubernetes Observability with Logs and Metrics in Logz.io

Yesterday, we announced the beta release of Logz.io Infrastructure Monitoring — our Grafana-based monitoring solution, and the planned release of a Jaeger-based tracing solution. These additions to our platform complement our ELK-based Log Management product, together constituting what is the world’s only open source-based observability platform for monitoring, troubleshooting and securing distributed cloud workloads.

How to Explore Prometheus with Easy 'Hello World' Projects

In this blog post, I would like to share with you some of the projects that I used to to get a better sense of what Prometheus can do. I am a very hands-on type of learner, and usually when I want to explore new technologies, I start with “hello world” apps and small toy projects. Therefore, the main goal of this blog is to share with you how easily you can set up Prometheus and how quickly you can create simple projects that can be monitored with Prometheus and visualized in Grafana.

Log Management Walk thru | Log Management Software Overview

Motadata collects, indexes, monitors and analyses any kind of log data. The log data contains a categorical record of all activity and behavior that affects your company and keeps a real-time check on ongoing activities across your IT infrastructure. In case anomaly is detected, one can gather relevant log data quickly in case of a security breach.

Why you need a status page

There are as many ways to trigger an incident as there are new code deployments across the globe and, with the emergence of cloud-reliant businesses, uptime accountability has shifted from on-premise server teams to the service providers themselves. SLAs, SLOs, and websites dedicated to downtime have suddenly come to life in the internet age, and having a status page is now an industry standard.