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Kubernetes Master Class Windows Container Support with Rancher

In this session, we’ll focus on the new support for Windows containers on RKE2 in Rancher 2.6, powered by Calico and containerd. Furthermore, we’ll be covering the following important aspects within this ecosystem: Lastly, you’ll get to see a demonstration of deploying Windows and Linux workloads side-by-side in Rancher, and how to scale.NET applications in Windows containers.

Windows System Monitoring Dashboard in 5 Minutes

This video demonstrates how to quickly build a dashboard to monitor a Windows system. The dashboard shows various metrics like uptime, processor and memory utilization, disk IO, network, etc. All the values are stored in InfluxDB for advanced analysis using full history. This video shows a whole end-to-end process that only takes 5 minutes. It begins with the Windows template installation and Telegraf agent installation and configuration that captures all the metrics from the monitored machine(s).

How to dynamically monitor disks in Windows with Pandora FMS

In this tutorial we're going to see how easy it is to dynamically monitor the disks of our Windows machines with Pandora FMS. To do this, we only need to have the software agent installed on these devices and use the agent plugins that are already loaded by default. We will find two options, to obtain the free space in the disks or the possibility of monitoring the occupied space in these disks. occupied on the disks.

How Windows 11 Could Impact User Experience

If you’ve been following recent tech news, you’ll know that Windows 11 is one of the hottest topics right now. Most of the conversation has been focused on users of the Home version, as Microsoft tries to get the average consumer excited with hot new features and a fresh look. But what about enterprise users who won’t have a choice in whether they upgrade or not? How are they going to feel about Windows 11?

RDS and RDP Monitoring

Monitor the entire RDS, RemoteApp and VDI stack with continuous login simulation from anywhere in your network. Monitoring Server Based Computing environments with just performance counters isn't enough. To fully evaluate the entire application delivery installation, IT architects must synthetically exercize the components and measure the end-user experience. CloudReady RDP sensors enable logon simulation with no changes to the servers. The RDP sensors capture, read and analyze the screen to record application launch times like a real end-user would.

Graylog Illuminate: Getting Started with Sysmon

The Windows System Monitor (Sysmon) is one of the chattiest tools. With all the information coming in, it can be difficult and expensive to use it efficiently. However, the Graylog Illuminate package gives you a way to fine-tune it so that you can get better data and manage your ingestion rate better. Sysmon gives you awareness of what’s going on in your endpoints.