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PHP 8.1 lays new ground on Platform.sh

Every year, the PHP foundation releases a new version of PHP that includes updated features for users. These new releases offer a sweet way to kick off every holiday season for developers and application makers (like me). Just days after its official release, we made PHP 8.1 available for all projects on our Grid plans. Now, you can take advantage of the long-awaited PHP 8.1 features on Platform.sh.

Share your failures, fix them faster with shareable activities

When you’re working with a Continuous Delivery workflow, you rely on building and deploying your websites in such a way that any improvements can be released into production any time. Identifying and fixing failures quickly is key to enabling rapid development cycles. But what happens when you’re looking into a failed build step, with no clue as to how to address it? You can now share links to specific lines within the activity logs.

Deploy Friday: E83 Why is typescript taking over the world?

If 15% of all JavaScript bugs can be detected by TypeScript, what's holding you back from using it? This week's DeployFriday is an expert panel who will discuss the benefits of TypeScript, including interesting new developments like the rise in popularity of Deno, a runtime for TypeScript that could replace Node.js on your next project.

Deploy Friday: E82 Enabling conversation - the design and linguistics of API documentation

APIs enable conversations, but how do you choose the right words for those conversations? We talk with three powerhouse technical writers and documentation managers, from Platform.sh, Splunk, and Sitecore, to get the best practices and frameworks behind world-class documentation.

Deploy Friday: E81 From customer to team member - meet the team that crossed the line

Sometimes you use a product and like it so much you want to be part of the story. That's the case for a surprising number of Platform.sh customers, and in this episode, I talk to a number of Platform.sh team members who started their journey as customers.

Resell Platform.sh-hosted apps on WooCommerce

Many software developers build their product on Platform.sh. You can take several approaches, some of which are very straightforward. For instance, you can become a member of our Agency Partner Program. Or you can take advantage of our White-label offering to deliver a fully functional, fully-featured Platform.sh PaaS, branded with your organization’s logo.

New Platform.sh overview video: a proven, 5-step approach helps explain a complex concept

The question that people who don’t know us constantly ask, “What does Platform.sh do, exactly?” Our new overview video aims to answer just that. We took a five-step approach to ensure our message was both clear and succinct: We hope that this video addresses the question about what Platform.sh does and inspires you to use the same five-step framework when you’re tasked with explaining a difficult concept.

Deploy Friday: E80 Sylius - the enterprise open-source e-commerce platform

Sylius - the Polish startup conquering the French market & making more and more buzz in the international e-commerce platform landscape. Why? What is unique about this software and the company behind it? How does it align with Platform.sh? Meet the people running the business growth of this new exciting product.

Deploy Friday: E79 The Long and Winding Road towards security compliance

Platform.sh has worked hard to be the most secure, compliant, and dependable business partner possible for our customers. To that end, we're able to provide data processing agreements (DPAs) for European GDPR, German BDSG, Canadian PIPEDA, and the Australian Privacy Act. We have been successfully audited for SOC 3 Type 2 and PCI DSS Level 1 compliance, and we've got more important acronyms in the works.