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The Ultimate Guide to Becoming an Effective IT Consultant for Websites

In today's digital world, a website is often the first point of contact for businesses and individuals alike. However, creating and maintaining a successful website can be a daunting task, requiring technical expertise and a deep understanding of various IT components. This is where an IT consultant for websites plays a crucial role. In this article, we will explore the essential steps and skills needed to become an effective IT consultant for websites, enabling you to guide clients towards achieving their online goals.

The Importance of HIPAA Compliance in Business App Development

In today's digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology to store and share sensitive information. However, the risk of data breaches and privacy violations comes with the increasing use of technology. This risk is particularly high in the healthcare industry as patients' sensitive personal and medical information is at stake. To address these risks, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was introduced in 1996 to set standards for protecting personal health information.

Improving engineering velocity with internal developer portals

Developer portals can improve your engineering velocity and provide valuable insights into your team’s performance. Learn how developer portals can enhance collaboration, streamline processes and optimize workflows, ultimately resulting in better software development and faster delivery times.

What Basic Things About Web Development Should Everyone Know?

Are you looking to get the most out of web development but not sure where or how to start? Any aspiring web developer needs to have a good understanding of the core concepts that make building and managing websites easier. Whether you're a beginner in this field, new to coding, or interested in brushing up on your existing knowledge, this guide has something for everyone - and it covers everything from basic HTML structures to CSS styling sheets. Read on as we explore some of the basics every web developer should know.

5 beneficial reasons why enterprises should use low-code platforms for their app development

In today’s world, the demand for custom enterprise applications is at an all-time high. Why? First, businesses are seeking ways to streamline their operations and improve efficiency, which often requires custom solutions tailored to their specific needs. Second, the rise of mobile devices and remote work has created a demand for applications that can be accessed from anywhere.

Understanding the Role of APIs in Web Development

As the complexities of web development have increased and more businesses are looking to leverage their online presence, Application Programming Interfaces have become a commonly used tool. An API acts as an intermediary between different software applications, allowing developers to streamline processes and increase efficiency when building websites. This blog post will discuss how they can help you advance your projects with ease.

Essential digital experience metrics for development teams

For the team that’s down in the trenches untangling legacy code, writing unit tests, and just trying to come up with sensible variable names, it’s easy to lose sight of the other end of the process, where code meets customer. You test, you deploy, nothing breaks, and you move on. However, it’s just as important to keep an eye on code quality in production, and how it’s experienced. Experience, though, is hard to quantify. What do you measure? How do you measure it?

How to Set Up Your Website With Wix in 3 Easy Steps

Today there are about 2 billion live websites, but only 20% of them are active. Source: Hosting Tribunal And on average, internet users in the US visit 130+ web pages daily. Visiting websites has become a critical part of a person’s average day. In today’s accelerating digital world, your website is the face of your brand, your key sales generator, and, arguably, your leading marketing tool. Simply put, your website needs to be exceptional.