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Infeasible? Yes, developers are technically correct

Infeasible? Yes, developers are technically correct when they say something is infeasible. To engineering managers, that translates to impossible, which is correct, too. This is where software developers and managers can agree to disagree. Here's part 3 of 4 of Sleuth's CTO and cofounder, Don Brown's take on decoding developer speak. Give Sleuth a try and see how we empower software teams to build faster by making engineering efficiency easy to improve and measurable — in a way that both managers and developers love.

Decoding the Difference: Artifacts vs Packages in Software Development

"Artifact" and "package" are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. Understand their unique roles, learn through practical examples, and discover why distinguishing between them is vital for effective software management and distribution. "Artifact" and "package" are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences.

How we leverage our product responder role to push our pace of development

Like many of our own customers, at its heart, incident.io is a software company. Because of this, it means that our work is never truly “done." One of our primary goals is to help people coordinate their response to situations where things haven’t gone well, and make it easy to always do the right thing. But we know that there will always be bugs to fix, features to be introduced and improvements to be made, as evidenced by our changelog.

A Software Developer's Guide to Getting Started With Kubernetes: Part 1

Put simply, Kubernetes is an orchestration system for deploying and managing containers. Using Kubernetes, you can operate containers reliably across different environments by automating management tasks such as scaling containers across Nodes and restarting them when they stop. Kubernetes provides abstractions that let you think in terms of application components, such as Pods (containers), Services (network endpoints), and Jobs (one-off tasks).

How to choose an OS for software development in automotive

Automotive as an industry is constantly looking for ways to improve its processes and efficiency. The one common tool that is at the intersection of all software development activities is the operating system (OS). From advanced simulation tools to new vehicle designs, the OS has to be reliable and provide the best platforms for a maximum number of purposes.

Why software development errors matter

Software development errors can wreak havoc on organizations. When software bugs make it into production due to human error, organizations can lose a lot of money. At the same time, software failures can ruin a company’s reputation, creating dissatisfied customers and crushing productivity. Depending on how bad the errors are, software companies can even face legal and compliance penalties.

7 Best Practices to Develop Web Applications in Supply Chain Management

In the dynamic and interlinked global business environment, supply chain management (SCM) undeniably forms the lifeline of modern companies. If you are from the same industry and looking to create a web application, you must read this blog post before starting development. As we drive further into the digital era, this lifeline displays robust, user-friendly web applications designed to ensure that goods, information, and finances flow smoothly, efficiently, and accurately from point A to point B.

The Best Technology Platform for Developing mHealth Applications: Why Node.js in 2023?

One of the most interesting trends in contemporary medicine and digital healthcare is the growth of the mobile health (mHealth) sector. MHealth applications are gaining popularity as more individuals take charge of their health and well-being and are used to check vitals, monitor activities, and aid in the diagnosis of medical issues. Do you intend to create a mobile health application? If so, you should research the Node Js technology platform. It is the perfect option for rapidly and simply creating mHealth apps because of its speed, scalability, and performance attributes.