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WhatsUp Gold

Financial Services Network Challenges: Compliance, Security and Availability Top Concerns

Financial services firms face three key network issues: maintaining compliance with an array of regulations, keeping a growing horde of financial data hungry hackers at bay, and earning the trust of users with an always-on responsive network. Financial data is so valuable, cybercriminals make getting it a top priority. And financial services networks are so interconnected and complex, there are all sorts of ways hackers can try to break in. The security threat to finance is more than bad.

Keeping Federal and Local Government Networks Safe Through Monitoring

It is always big news when governmental organizations are attacked. And they are attacked frequently. Hackers love headlines, which is one reason to go after high profile government targets. But the real reason hackers love governmental organizations is because that’s where the juicy data is. Even small governmental organizations hold confidential and classified information—exactly the secrets state-sponsored groups and other cybercriminals drool over.

Supporting, Extending, and Protecting Virtual Environments

Virtualization remains the key technology of the data center. It's also been the foundational technology that allowed cloud to proliferate. In modern environments, to get the most out of cloud, multi-cloud, and hybrid cloud, organizations need to stay on top of the latest developments in virtualization. Watch this On-Demand event to learn about the latest technologies in virtualization and virtualization-adjacent areas, like containers, software-defined storage, software-defined networking, the software-defined data center, and more!

Get to Know WhatsUp Gold Free Edition

We sympathize with the IT teams that keep their networks running – we really do. We understand it’s a thankless job where they’re ignored if everything’s working and blamed when everything’s not. That’s why we’ve tried to make our network infrastructure and application experience (AX) products as simple and intuitive as possible.

What Healthcare Companies Need from Network Management and Network Monitoring

IT pros in the healthcare industry have one of the toughest jobs imaginable. Herculean task number one is protecting patient data, with failure to do so bringing hefty HIPAA fines and more than a little bad press. Gargantuan task number two is stopping breaches (and then doing forensics if one busts through). Failing either of these is not exactly a confidence booster. Don’t forget, almost all hacks and breaches either attack the network itself or go across it to reach their target.

Ask me Anything with WUG Ninja

You may have heard about an ‘Ask Me Anything, and its popularity across social media platforms like Instagram and Reddit. In our first Ask me Anything Webinar for What’s up Gold, our in-resident WUG Ninja, whom you’ve seen in many other webinars will be here to answer your questions about WhatsUp Gold! In this on-demand session, we’re turning it to you, to ask us questions. But there’s one catch, you have to submit the questions ahead of time (in the form on the right). You can ask us whatever you want, but here are some sample questions to get your creative juices flowing.

Transforming Education and Government IT and Cloud Environments

State, local government, and educational institutions have unique IT requirements and regulations that traditional commercial organizations don’t face. From specific IT budgeting processes to strict compliance, public sector organizations are constantly forced to maximize every IT resource in their complex IT environments.

Lindesberg Municipality Improves Network Reliability & Quality for its 5,500 Users w/ WhatsUp Gold

Lindesberg Municipality’s 5,500 simultaneous users were constantly losing connection with its network and IP Telephony systems, which led to a volume of support calls that was straining its IT department. It implemented WhatsUp Gold to monitor its connections and servers and study its access points. Lindesberg has moved from a network-centric to a service-centric installation, with 99.9% uptime, happier customers, and less support tickets.