Updates to the Java Beeline: Sweeter Than Ever Before
We’ve released some improvements to our Java Beeline library! Allow me to share all the interesting new features.
We’ve released some improvements to our Java Beeline library! Allow me to share all the interesting new features.
Welcome to our series on cost management and optimization in Elasticsearch Service. With the increased functionality in Elastic Cloud, it is now easier than ever to utilise many of the free and open features of the Elastic Stack to optimise your cloud deployment. This blog is a great resource for reviewing your existing high availability and data management strategies when it comes to cost management.
On July 14, 2020, Microsoft released a security update related to a remote code execution (RCE) and denial of service (DoS) vulnerability (CVE-2020-1350) in Windows DNS Server (2003 - 2019).
This is the first in a three-post series themed around Ops-led DevOps, where I’ll explore the relationship between observability and a set of software delivery lifecycle practices that support the adoption of DevOps practices and the transition from project to product-centric ways of working. I’ll start with Site Reliability Engineering, move onto Value Stream Management and finish with Continuous Delivery.
Serverless has been around for a minute now but it’s safe to say that it’s still in its infancy in 2020 and definitely has a long way to go. But serverless architecture is a major step away from to dependence on humans and towards reliance on machines. Are the machines already talking over? Not literally the “Terminator” movie scenario quite yet but is this the beginning of the end of an era in the world as we know it?
Ansible is an open source continuous configuration automation (CCA) tool. You can use it to automate the management of the configuration of host systems. For example: installing and configuring applications, services, security policies; or to perform a wide variety of other administration and configuration tasks.
Nexthink is incredibly proud to be able to present yet another installment of our Through the Crisis series, in which our customers share their IT challenges and successes from the COVID-19 crisis. In this installment, Yves Habersaat (software engineer, BG Consulting Engineers) explains how his organization leveraged Nexthink to affect a significant update of their IT estate during the early stages of the pandemic.
When developers think of log files and log analysis, their minds typically transports into the world of contributing factors and incident remediation. However, analyzing log events doesn’t always need to be about a specific bug and its corresponding resolution. In fact, log analysis can be a very useful resource for organizations looking to develop a more high-level and large-scale plan for their application moving forward.