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How to replicate user errors without the user with Breadcrumbs and Sessions

If you need to replicate a user error, you’ll know how difficult it can be to pinpoint the cause. Usually, you’d look at the stack trace or ask the user themselves. However, that’s a lot of guesswork, especially if the stack trace is obfuscated. We’ll show you how to replicate the error faster using Crash Reporting’s Breadcrumbs and the Real User Monitoring Sessions feature.

5 game-changing tips for automating your bug tracking in Jira Service Desk

Bug tracking is hard. Once more for your boss in the back. Bug tracking is hard! The support agent to developer handoff is a crucial yet an easily mishandled exchange. That’s bad news if you’re striving for low time-to-resolution targets and happy customers. Luckily, Atlassian and its app vendors provide an array of tools that can help you automate your bug resolution workflows to improve speed, consistency, and communication.

3 phases of Prometheus adoption.

How to ensure visibility into your next-generation Kubernetes environment. Having assisted hundreds of enterprises in developing a new visibility strategy as they move to Kubernetes, I’ve learned a few things about how organizations learn, evolve and adopt a new method of application observability. Open source is usually essential to developing this understanding.

Using the Content Match feature to detect website defacement

The Content Match feature has the potential to detect and protect against page defacement, as well as fulfilling a few other handy use-cases. Today we’re going to take you through a few of the most common uses of this feature to help you ensure you are getting the most out of it!

CFEngine 3.12.0 LTS Released

Today we are happy to announce the general availability of CFEngine 3.12.0 LTS! This release has a lot of new features, and we are very excited about all the new possibilities you get with CFEngine 3.12.0 LTS. If you are using the previous LTS, 3.10 you will also benefit from all the new features, improvements and testing of the 3.11 release, which you can read more about in the CFEngine 3.11 release post.

Don't Worry About Your (Con)figure, Have The PI !

Congratulations! You have Foglight installed and it is collecting meaningful performance data. There’s no doubt it is providing a ‘smorgasbord’ of actionable information about your mission-critical environment. Help yourself to delicious servings of baseline data, proactive alerts, and custom dashboards and reports. Now make room for dessert! Foglight is probably best known for its generous helping of PI. PI is an abbreviation for Performance Investigator.

Monitor Amazon EKS with AppDynamics

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) makes it easier to operate Kubernetes clusters, but performance monitoring remains a top challenge. AppDynamics seamlessly integrates into EKS environments, providing insights into the performance of every microservice deployed, all through a single pane of glass.